Forum Discussion

StorKulur's avatar
Seasoned Novice
4 months ago

Naboo Raid - Jedi Consular kit update

Hello Darth CG and fellow Holotable Heroes,  

For the lucky few who took JC up to high relics for ROTE ops, we were very excited to use those Ops Jedi for this raid. Unfortunately, they are little better than filler (Eeth and JC).  Bummer.

The faction bonus for GR is great for the raid, but unfortunately again...  there was a swing and a miss, JC lead GR jedi have no way of applying heal over time to capitalize on the bonus true damage if you are already using a Lumi and Kit Jedi team separately - which almost everyone is. 

My suggestion - tweak JCs kit to include passive HOT with a unique or to buff HOT with both or one of his specials. This will bring more use to the raid toons and allow for more enjoyment in an already rigid event that has a frustrating amount of RNG associated with it.  This would at least give us the Pot Up from the fleet bonus that grants locked buffs. BUT if you were feeling froggy and wanting to extend a gesture of good faith to the player base, add both Pot up and HOT to JCs kit in some way. 

Rooting for you guys to make some quality of life updates for this raid. Still holding out hope. 

Best wishes and MTFBWY, 

A very tired guild leader - Stor 

#saveNaboo #maketheraidgreatagain #throwusabone #itsokaytomakethingsfuntoo 

CG_Meatheadshot in the dark if you see this or choose to reply, but if you could advocate for us on the raid, that would be UH-MAZE-ING, I think this would be a great move. 

CC: EA_Rtas or if you could pass this along please  


3 Replies

  • I like the idea of granting himself and one other (random or lowest current health) ally one or 2 HoTs on basic. Then the challenge is to get his counters going or call him with assists. 

    Now add to Eeth Koth's unique: "65% chance to call the leader to assist whenever a GR Jedi ally uses an ability on their turn."

    Or if CG is afraid of putting EK in with JMK (though I don't know why they would be, that's not enough power to make EK as powerful as GK or Padmé or GAS) just add that same ability to the Naboo Raid's GR faction modifier. Then they never have to worry about anyone using that superpower to defeat the Great Mothers. 


  • That would be cool, but CG won't do it unless they can monetize it significantly.  I wouldn't be surprised if they come out with a Galactic Legend Jedi Consular at this point in all the silliness they're coming up with.

  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Rising Ace
    4 months ago

    Who doesn't remember the time when Jedi Consular held back 14 inquisitors at once to allow the younglings to get away?