8 years ago
New Character: Captain Gregor - CC-5576-39 "Gregor"
Quick Clone Supportive Tank with various abilities to help provide buffs to clones and reduce the effectiveness of enemy offense.
(Aggressive Fire)(LvL 8)(Basic) - Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to gain defense up for 2 turns and inflict offense down on target enemy for 2 turns, have a 50% chance to gain 10% turn meter for every debuff any ally is suffering. If no debuffs are suffered gain critical hit immunity for 2 turns.
(Resilient Safeguards)(LvL 8)(Special)(CD: 6) - Taunt for 2 turns, if taunt is dispelled before expiring, gain 50% defense and 50% protection up for 1 turn and taunt for 1 turn, while suffering speed down. This ability is reduced by 2 when dispelled or 1 when damaged by any AoE attack, or when critically hit.
(Call to Arms)(LvL 8)(Leader): All Clones have +25% protection, +10% defense, and +15% tenacity. Other allies gain half these amounts.
(Last Stand)(LvL 8)(Unique): Gregor is immune to stuns and has +30% defense, whenever he suffers a debuff or is critically hit he has a 75% chance to counter with +30% offense and his counter ignores protection. When defeated, Gregor grants all the abilites of Last stand as a locked unique ability for all clone allies for 2 turns.
(Aggressive Fire)(LvL 8)(Basic) - Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to gain defense up for 2 turns and inflict offense down on target enemy for 2 turns, have a 50% chance to gain 10% turn meter for every debuff any ally is suffering. If no debuffs are suffered gain critical hit immunity for 2 turns.
(Resilient Safeguards)(LvL 8)(Special)(CD: 6) - Taunt for 2 turns, if taunt is dispelled before expiring, gain 50% defense and 50% protection up for 1 turn and taunt for 1 turn, while suffering speed down. This ability is reduced by 2 when dispelled or 1 when damaged by any AoE attack, or when critically hit.
(Call to Arms)(LvL 8)(Leader): All Clones have +25% protection, +10% defense, and +15% tenacity. Other allies gain half these amounts.
(Last Stand)(LvL 8)(Unique): Gregor is immune to stuns and has +30% defense, whenever he suffers a debuff or is critically hit he has a 75% chance to counter with +30% offense and his counter ignores protection. When defeated, Gregor grants all the abilites of Last stand as a locked unique ability for all clone allies for 2 turns.