Forum Discussion

FeelinLuckyPUNX's avatar
8 years ago

New Character: Captain Gregor - CC-5576-39 "Gregor"

Quick Clone Supportive Tank with various abilities to help provide buffs to clones and reduce the effectiveness of enemy offense.

(Aggressive Fire)(LvL 8)(Basic) - Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to gain defense up for 2 turns and inflict offense down on target enemy for 2 turns, have a 50% chance to gain 10% turn meter for every debuff any ally is suffering. If no debuffs are suffered gain critical hit immunity for 2 turns.

(Resilient Safeguards)(LvL 8)(Special)(CD: 6) - Taunt for 2 turns, if taunt is dispelled before expiring, gain 50% defense and 50% protection up for 1 turn and taunt for 1 turn, while suffering speed down. This ability is reduced by 2 when dispelled or 1 when damaged by any AoE attack, or when critically hit.

(Call to Arms)(LvL 8)(Leader): All Clones have +25% protection, +10% defense, and +15% tenacity. Other allies gain half these amounts.

(Last Stand)(LvL 8)(Unique): Gregor is immune to stuns and has +30% defense, whenever he suffers a debuff or is critically hit he has a 75% chance to counter with +30% offense and his counter ignores protection. When defeated, Gregor grants all the abilites of Last stand as a locked unique ability for all clone allies for 2 turns.

3 Replies

  • How about we just get a clone rework, with the addition of new clones such as Gregor, Wolffe, Kix (medic), Hevy, or other of the , you know, millions of clones. If I could add another request, could one of the clones have a taunt and have a more consistent and powerful heal than just poor echo's unique?
  • Commando Captain Gregor? How is this guy going to be support lol? I'll agree if you say Kix, but Gregor support? The dude massacred hundreds of battle droids on his own, he is a definite attacker.
  • Or tank maybe. He was slaughtering said droids to create a diversion for Gascon(?) and the droids.