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CapGaSP's avatar
8 years ago

Next Marquee Event "Special Operations"

I'm off for a week(ish) but before I go I wanted to drop the outline for the next big Marquee event we will be running in late January (tentative). This is the event where you will be able to unlock Erasmus and Faust (see Conduit's posts for their latest data). I'm going to make heavy use of the same feature Escape from Jedha had by adding Erasmus or Faust into your squad. It's going to look like this:

Event 1: Use Erasmus to battle a Wiggs team, then a Rey/RG/QGJ team (eg: the current dominant meta and the previous dominant meta). This is meant to showcase how useful Erasmus is versus the current meta and other things you're likely to see in squad arena. This event will run for a few days and is configured like the lovechild of the K-2SO event and the Yoda event.You earn enough Erasmus shards to unlock him at, currently, 3-stars.

Event 2: Use Faust to battle some extremely strong but uncommon teams: Jawas and Droids . Again built like the child of the K-2SO event and the Yoda event. Unlocks Faust at 3-stars. This event starts a day or two after the first one and runs the same length of time.

Event 3: This event starts a few days after event 2 ends but no longer forces you to use Erasmus or Faust. Instead you're battling squads of the rogue one rebel units. It is also, tentatively, restricted to Dark Side units only. You'll earn enough shards of Erasmus and Faust to get them to 4-stars from this event.

Event 4: This is where we're trying something new that we hope is successful and well received, so I'm looking for thoughts on it. Event 4 will have only one mission, set at level 60, where you do 3 difficult battles then get a semi-random range of shards of Faust, Erasmus, or possibly one or two other highly desirable and very hard to acquire characters. Something like 2-8 shards is the current range. The key here is that this mission will be simmable once you 3-star it, and each refresh will grant TEN replays. but the refreshes will cost something like 1200-1500 crystals. I put a lot of thought into this, and It is definitely experimental. But I'm curious to know if you guys would see yourselves engaging in an event like this to power-up these new units. Also, the event would return periodically so each time it comes back you'd get 10 free sims/plays. The cost/benefit analysis is "do I want them NOW, or can I wait potentially several months for the free plays".

Happy Holidays everyone! Let me know your thoughts on this structure.
  • So after event 1...
    I am guessing event 2 will unlock DT if so, It would have been better to have DT unlock event 1 so you could use him with Krennic on event 2. Also be better to have abilities at least level l or higher, 40% chance never once saw stagger effect.
  • I buffed K-2SO behind the scenes and people seemed to feel like they were cheated because he wasn't as powerful as the version from the event. I avoided any behind-the-scenes buffing this time. In ~March we're going to get the tech to actually specify ability levels, gear levels, and mods for forced allies. So for Krennic/DT and the next Marquee in Feb, they may come off as somewhat underwhelming. We felt that was preferable to people spending money and then feeling like they were misled.
  • "CG_CapGaSP;867980" wrote:
    I buffed K-2SO behind the scenes and people seemed to feel like they were cheated because he wasn't as powerful as the version from the event. I avoided any behind-the-scenes buffing this time. In ~March we're going to get the tech to actually specify ability levels, gear levels, and mods for forced allies. So for Krennic/DT and the next Marquee in Feb, they may come off as somewhat underwhelming. We felt that was preferable to people spending money and then feeling like they were misled.

    Word. better to not buff behind the scene's. Did realize there was limitation with the setting abilities higher.
  • Also noticed that the gear level, and character level of the krennic we use can change even on the same tier.
  • "scuba;868691" wrote:
    Also noticed that the gear level, and character level of the krennic we use can change even on the same tier.

    The rarity (star count) goes up, but they're all GL1 AL1. I'm currently trying to find the best balance between "super juiced" like K-2 and "not at all juiced" like Krennic for the next Marquee. Just feels too underwhelming right now.
  • "CG_CapGaSP;868767" wrote:
    "scuba;868691" wrote:
    Also noticed that the gear level, and character level of the krennic we use can change even on the same tier.

    The rarity (star count) goes up, but they're all GL1 AL1. I'm currently trying to find the best balance between "super juiced" like K-2 and "not at all juiced" like Krennic for the next Marquee. Just feels too underwhelming right now.

    looks GL9. In the same teir the level can vary and thus the stats
  • "CG_CapGaSP;866261" wrote:
    "Josh_K;866240" wrote:
    Is the refresh for event 4 still the way to acquire dt and krennic? I'm seeing a citadel pack which seems to indicate otherwise. @CG_CapGaSP

    We changed the model because in order to make the "grind mission" aspect work the refreshes would have to be... high. Even though the price is still roughly the same range, the average user would balk at seeing a refresh that was thousands of crystals (regardless of the actual value). It's sticker shock, basically.

    If you do every tier or every mission you get 2* DT and 4* Krennic (I think). it winds up being around or slightly cheaper then an old school Aurodium. The value is actually pretty good. I hope you guys like it!

    HAHAHAHA I'm sorry, but this is insulting. The average cost for an Aurodium character from ZERO shards to 7:star: was roughly $200-250. This new Citadel Pack is (if I remember correctly) 4-5 times as expensive per pack, and will cost players (as evidenced by YouTube videos already out showing it) $8-900... This is a good value in your eyes? You've essentially priced out the ENTIRE "middle class" of players. I have a LOT of players in my guild who were willing to buy a vault or two of crystals in attempts to get their DK/DT up to either 6 or maybe even one of them to 7:star:. Now they won't spend a dime because the price is atrocious for the value. ONE Omega, ONE Mk III Ability mat, ONLY 250K credits, and MAYBE 10-30 shards? The drop rate of more than 5 shards is pathetic from the video showing pack opening, and the accompanying materials are barely more than the original Aurodium packs granted, if they've even been improved!

    The community-at-large expected this Citadel pack to be UNDER 1000 crystals, and instead are greeted with a 2999 Gold Digger pack. Your market research team needs to be fired. This pack is a terrible value, but I guess when it comes to hard-core players with bottomless pockets or spending addictions, this pack obviously sells, as evidenced by the YouTube videos popping up with maxed out 7:star: DK/DT... I guess there's always going to be that one group of people willing to spend astronomic prices for anything, but this price point puts the vast majority of "dolphins" and other would-be spenders on edge because of the price tag.

    It's called Sticker Shock.

    I honestly can't think of any way to remedy this aside from significantly drop the price of this pack.
  • "Remon_Azab;879499" wrote:
    Im hoping you guys aren't charging 2999 crystals for the citadel pack

    Ah hahahahaha... sorry i litterally laughed out loud... you freakin called it before it happened....