6 months agoRising Rookie
Nongreat Mothers
discourage the desire to play That mothers are so unbalanced thing, you throwing all you done , with all last such heroes All we invested , by including real money becameing trash
Overpowered datacrons ruined PVP modes. Majority of guilds don’t try or care about TW due to this. CG doesn’t care as players will spend.
I would not blame that most the guilds we face have more datacron investment than us. I think it’s more to do with the reward structure which had not been updated, over 380M participation there are no further rewards. So we are noticing a lot of sandbagging with no motivation to reach for higher rewards. The rewards which matter are Zeta and datacron re-rolls. If you already hate datacrons the re-roll mats are hardly going to motivate you to play. And punching up is a lot of effort for Zetas. Punching down is easier and gives a bit of a Zeta boost at least. But TW is a lot of work for the rewards it gives.
Agreed. Datacrons should give a slight advantage, not a whole turn in tides. But well, I´ve said this since they went to that GL path.
Yeah, TWs have become a real sticking point, as participation has become so low entire guilds suffer for worse rewards. But a lot of people just can't be bothered anymore. EA is slowly killing this with their greed. I give the app another year or two before it's over.