749 runs on the veterans cantina nodes and not one omega drop in all 749 runs. I call B.S. CG must have set the percentage rng pull at the same as getting 330 shard from those packs. If they haven't purposefully set it that low then I should have at least have gotten one from all those pulls. Its ridiculous not to mention omega cost 1500 in the fleet store which is 500 less then a zeta and zetas are far far more valuable. I pulled more zetas last 4 total counting fleet store and ship challenge and yet cant get an omega for the life of me.
Im sure someone will pop in here to troll they got one last week off a cantina node but im betting it is the only one for a long time. Everybody says RNG like CG doesn't have the ability to manipulate the RNG at any point they feel like it.