I skipped over half the responses as they're all the same and this has probably been said too, but omega mats simply aren't worth 1500 ship currency and that's why I whole heartedly agree with the OP. I'm also willing to bet all you guys arguing against the OP and claiming they don't need a boost in drop rate most likely have a very high GP. I personally have 1.5 million and I'm in CONSTANT need, especially when 10+ are required for each zeta'd ability.
And stop with the "every ability doesn't need to be omega'd" advice, that's just silly and once again probably comes from a high GP person. Nearly every ability NEEDS to be maxed, each omega usually adds a minimum of 15% damage or an additional effect on an ability, so that advice is basically saying don't use your squads to their full potential. Now if you were to add an addendum to that statement such as don't max abilities on characters you don't use then yes I agree, but if that character is level 85 and a gear level high enough to unlock omegas then that character is most likely being used in TW at the very least.