Forum Discussion

davhew555's avatar
5 years ago

Open letter RE: latest Farming requirements

Dear CG

I like SWGOH, it's a fun game and I like the Star Wars nostalgia. I like playing and strategising. The part I least like is the farming. It takes a long time, and it's very very dull every day to click and try and get another couple of shards of this, that and the other when the end goal seems so far away.

To get a character to a point where it is useful, we have to farm/collect the following:

1. Character shards
2. Character ability mats / omegas / zetas
3. Credits/training robots to upgrade the character
4. Mods (and everything that comes with it)
5. Gear levels
6. Relics (just more gear and more Cantina farming)

So the daily routine is click on the shards, hope for a few, click on the mods, hope for a good one, click on the gear levels, hope for a decent result. I actually have most ability mats so I'm ok there, but with the Omegas and the zetas thats a different story.

The balance that I'm doing this for is to have my characters to fight with in Arenas, TW, TB, Raids and the other events that I just Sim.

Three things have happened recently that really really badly disrupts the balance between the boring side of the game - the Farming, and the fun side - the playing.

Geo TB Lightside - you've moved the goalposts here to such a degree that all it really boils down to is that we have to increase the power of characters that are not fun to create. Galactic Jedi for example. It's not fun and it just makes the ever increasing farming feel so far away. It's not a nice feeling that to do well in this game mode, I have to farm so so so much. And farming is the dullest part of the game. It actually leaves myself as a player (and I'm not alone in this view) that all I have done so far to get my characters to a high level - has been pointless and leaves me feeling disappointed.

Galactic Legends - the requirements for this are similar is that there is so so so much farming needed. 26 characters up to a high Relic level! And as expressed before, farming is the boring side of the game.

Raddus - again the requirements for this are just not fun. More farming.

Finalizer - Is it going to be the same ?

Ok so the balance of farming versus the new game modes - how is that doing? We have Geo Territory Battles. Hmmm this is just the same game mode as Hoth but requiring more power (which = more farming). Is there anything else added to the game recently that wasn't more farming and just more power creeping ?

Not really. And this is why you have now lost me as a paying customer. I'm not interested in the balance between the more farming power creep versus the lack of actual new content (where new content is not just a harder version of pre-existing material).

The requirements I'm currently facing is:

2 x Galactic Legends requiring 26 characters at Relic levels,

Relic level Lightside Geo TB requirements,

Ship requirements, and the new characters released from Rise Of Skywalker all need farming. At this point we don't know if Sith Trooper and Hux (inc. Resistance equivalents) etc are needed to obtain the Galactic Legend Rey/Kylo - but we definitely know they are going to be needed to add to the new Kylo/Rey teams. Luckily I have General Skywalker, otherwise that would add to the overwhelming feeling.

All of this is just simply too much, you've unleashed such an unobtainable amount that needs farming that it's putting me off the game. The only developments you have made to this game are simply adding to the boring daily farming, in light of not really getting any new fun game modes.

For this, you've lost me, I will no longer spend any money.