9 years ago
Palpatine glitch
First off I'd like to say thanks to the developers with all the recent work. In my opinion they've done a great job keeping events fresh, and although some are more favorable than others, it's kept t...
"Vatano;894664" wrote:"crzydroid;894625" wrote:"Vatano;894450" wrote:
I think the biggest issue with EP is when his basic doesn't kill somebody it should, because the Shock debuff appears and blocks it. Dozens of times, live on stream I've had like level 7's take his basic and the actual target doesn't die, just loses all health and gets the shock debuff. I'm aware his unique should prevent those hit with the sparks of his basic to not die, but the target too? It happens WAY too often and it's a pain in important battles when someone like Wedge/Rey has one block of red health and should die, takes the basic and lives getting shock instead -_-
This is because they lose a lot of life, get shocked, and then have themselves drained to zero (but they can't die from that damage). So it appears as though they were hit to zero and didn't die. Plenty of times I've gotten finishing blows with his basic just fine.
I have seen this arguement, but why is a level 7 on tier 1 hard surviving a direct basic from a Lv 75, 5* G9 Palp? Admittedly it isn't everytime, i get basic kills too but numerous people are surviving what should be a killing blow. In Arena for example, a Rey had what must be 1-2k health left (as it was more than half my previous 6k attack with TFP removed), Palp hits the basic in the 6k region aswell, Rey had 0 health and got shocked instead of dying when she clearly should have died... even my sissy Vader would have finished her?