7 years ago
Plo Koon - (Rework Ideas)
Greetings to everyone,
Writing a Rework idea for Plo Koon, one of the best but underpowered Jedi in the game:
Plo Koon Rework
Base Stat Changes:
Primary stat changed to Strength (STR)
Base Speed increased by 12.
Gear Reworked to give more STR as main attribute.
Base Protection increased by 35%. (Approx. 30k total)
Description: Anti-Stealth Jedi Tank with reliable dispel and powerful allied bonuses that shuts down enemies.
1) Quelling Blow (Basic Ability) /Omega/
Deal physical damage to target enemy and dispel all positive status effects. If an enemy is dispelled, Plo Koon gains 30% turn meter and Protection Up (30%) for 2 turns.
2) Force Judgment (Special Ability) /Omega/ CD:3
Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict Offence Down for 2 turns. This attack also has a 75% chance to Stun enemies for 1 turn.
3) Take Charge (Special Ability) /Omega/ CD:4
Plo Koon dispells all debuffs from himself and Ahsoka Tano, (if present). All allies gain Defence Up for 3 turns and 30% turn meter (doubled for Clone and Jedi allies). Clone allies gain Retribution for 2 turns and Jedi allies gain Speed Up for 2 turns.
4) Overwatch (Leader Ability) /ZETA/
Jedi and Clone allies gain +25% Critical Chance and +75% Defence. In addition, they have a 65% chance to dispel Stealth from each enemy at the start of their turn. If they dispel enemies, they gain Offence Up for 1 turn and other allies gain 15% turn meter. If no enemies were dispelled or no enemies had Stealth, that ally gains Defence Up for 1 turn instead.
ZETA - +5% Critical chance, +15% Defence, +10% Stealth dispel chance and other allies gain 15% turn meter on Stealth dispel.
The reasoning behind adding a Stun to his Force Judgment is that this abillity is firstly unique to Plo. Second, this pretty much acts like a Jedi Force Lightning (not as intense and destructive).
I also felt that his Leader abillity deserves to be special therefore, have added a ZETA.
He was also an Excellent Leader and cared greatly for the Clones under his command.
Let me know what you think, thanks.