@Qeltar ... I don't want her for the heal...that passive offense up on an AOE toon is very attractive. In both those videos posted I can see where she could have turned the tide of the battle. Imagine if that was a 7* ventress, with offense up, gear 8, Sid leader boosting offense....that's a game changer.
Also....the game clearly has an offensive speed / damage bias right now. I wonder though if that is just because it's what we know...there may be some possibilities for non-speed builds. Regardless, I do agree that in general there is too much offensive stuff that is powerful too early on..but you've got layers of that well beyond Poe and FOTP. I don't think nerfing Poe or FOTP will accomplish what you want to accomplish. There's still a lot of early damage / assists and meter manipulation (FOO is just turn 2 with similar ability as Poe) in the game that will bias it toward early offense.