Forum Discussion

LordNolak_01's avatar
Seasoned Novice
5 months ago

Quality of Life suggestion: better notification badge identification

One thing that would be very helpful is if the red dot notification badge on characters better identified what the badge was for. Example, I cannot tell if the toon qualifies for a Relic level upgrade, a zeta upgrade, an omicron upgrade, etc. Maybe certain placement of the badge can indicate which? Or a different color? 


3 Replies

  • Red dot- relic level

    purple dot- zeta

    white dot - omi

    Multi color - relic, zeta, omi ready type of deal.

  • LordNolak_01's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    5 months ago

    Exactly. And if a toon qualifies for more than one at the same time, the multiple dots would identify that.