Forum Discussion

BiColorLobster's avatar
8 years ago

"Quality of Life" Suggestion: Raid Gear Exchange

In one of the recent update posts, it was mentioned that the devs were working on changes that would improve the "quality of life" of the game. After receiving my 11th full Comlink piece from Heroic Rancor (with another 279 pieces of salvage sitting in the wings), I'd like to make a suggestion.

Since a number of pieces of gear required to gear up our toons drop from the Rancor raid (I'm excluding including the guild shop and shard shop as that is not even remotely feasible for farming gear), can we please have a gear exchange system in place? I'm not saying every salvage type should be represented (you couldn't swap syringes or stun cuffs for furnaces), just the pieces that can't be farmed from normal or hard nodes. This wouldn't hamper sales as stun cuffs, stun guns, and syringes are still widely needed and can be purchased in shipments, but it is beyond infuriating to continue receiving the same pieces of gear we don't need when we have dozens of toons to gear up to compete in every phase of the game.

A second option would be to implement raid rewards similar to WoW. It's been a few years since I've played, but I remember that after completing raids, you would receive a token or some unique item that you could exchange with a vendor to receive a specific piece of tiered raid gear.

These changes wouldn't create an "easy button" for players as there are still so many characters being released (especially recently). It would just make the grind a TAD bit easier. If anyone has any other suggestions or changes to add please vocalize them below. I probably wasn't as clear as I should or could have been, so all constructive criticisms are welcome.

28 Replies

  • "akositzke;917109" wrote:
    Although I wouldn't mind a raid-gear-exchange (probably the same type of idea as the shard shop) more important to me would be removing challenge gear from raid rewards. It is beyond ridiculous that HAAT raid after raid I keep getting the same orange gear that I am already overloaded on from the dailies that no one seems to need while my characters are all bottlenecked by 50 of this or that raid gear that won't ever drop. This isn't "stop us from progressing too quick" - this is slap in the face "congratulations for completing the HAAT raid. Here is some useless gear that you already have more of than you will ever need - and you will continue to get for free every time that daily challenge comes around from here until eternity since we will never cycle that gear out" **not bitter at all**

    I have definitely been on the receiving end of that as well. Finished first in my tank raid one week and received 3 salvage rewards: all of the salvage we receive in the daily challenges. So yes that is frustrating, but I'm assuming those pieces are going to be needed once the next level of gear opens up, and we'll be needing more of them than what we receive weekly in the daily challenges (much like the syringes from the agility challenge).
  • "RockLobster;917021" wrote:
    "ARCTrooperFives;917017" wrote:
    "RockLobster;916999" wrote:
    "J0K3R;916996" wrote:
    Direct exchanges would be open to being exploited

    Could you elaborate? I hadn't thought of that and am wondering what you're implying.

    Anything with trading can always be open to alt farming and making new accounts

    The initial suggestion I made about raid rewards wasn't referring to trading freely with in game members but with an NPC vendor. I understand where open trading could be an exploit in the latter part of this comment section though; good call

    Ah my bad, just saw the others guy's post and didn't really read through yours that much. But I think that is a good idea now, something needs to be done
  • Kyees11's avatar
    New Spectator
    8 years ago
    "RockLobster;917119" wrote:

    I have definitely been on the receiving end of that as well. Finished first in my tank raid one week and received 3 salvage rewards: all of the salvage we receive in the daily challenges. So yes that is frustrating, but I'm assuming those pieces are going to be needed once the next level of gear opens up, and we'll be needing more of them than what we receive weekly in the daily challenges (much like the syringes from the agility challenge).

    I am hoping that at least some of this excess gear will be put to use...I'm just afraid that when new gear levels open up it will still just recycle the same gear that was nearly impossible to pull the level before - just like CG has done time and again. Right now it seems nothing more than a plan to bottleneck as many characters as possible with the same gear needs, thus artificially extending the life of the game by needing to endlessly jump through hoop-after-hoop in hopes of striking it lucky and picking up 10 pieces of salvage that you need here and there....and then hoping to get lucky again 5-6 more times to unlock one gear slot :-P

    Anyway - I truly don't mind the fact that it's tough to pull good gear - it does reward players for perseverance and provide a sense of accomplishment when you finally get a character to gear XI - I just want the 'free' gear - challenge gear - taken out of the rewards ;-)
  • It would be nice to be able to donate more than 2 pieces of salvage for it too. I have scanner salvage and nubian design salvage up to my ears but am low on droid callers and furnaces again.

    I happen to know that some guildmates have the exact opposite problem.

    It would be great if we could actually exchange those pieces at a rate greater than 1 piece per month.
  • Raids should reward token to then pick the gear you want. Less RNG based progression makes people happier.
  • Comlink are used by all best toons, how can you ask to not have them?!
  • "RockLobster;917045" wrote:
    "Kyno;917041" wrote:
    Remove all none raid only gear from raid rewards.(not completely necessary, but come on should it really be there).

    I wouldn't want to advocate removing all non raid gear from raid rewards (I think that's what you were saying there) because stun cuffs and stun guns would fall under that umbrella, and I'd still like the chance at receiving those.

    True didn't think about that....
  • They can still make it RNG dependent if they want. You can receive x tokens for raid rewards and x tokens for purple gear with a chance at getting enough for a full piece. The chance at a full piece increases the higher you place. You can then trade in 1 token for 1 piece or 1 special token for a fully crafted piece.