Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
7 years ago

Quest rewards & Ventress

First, the quest rewards are terrible. I'm fairly sure I'll never finish even one, but I'm leaving Sith Agent open b/c who knows, right? I abandoned Jedi. It's worse than worthless.

But in general, the Arena requirements virtually guarantee loss of Arena rank. It's possible, I suppose, to put together a 5 x Sith Arena team, and some people are going to have those already, but the vast majority of quests literally require a drop in arena rank that costs far more crystals than you earn.

This is bad design. I'd frankly rather you simply require things other than arena rank and charge people crystals to go up quest levels instead of giving tiny crystal rewards then requiring loss of Arena rank and crystals along the way. It's just more honest.

Then there's the Sith Agent quest. Now that I've bumped Ventress to g12 (she'd been sitting at g10 for a while), I finished p1 quickly enough, but then I find that she's not eligible for the 5 x g12 Sith requirement or the Sith Arena requirement.

I'm sorry, but you don't need to give Ventress a sith tag if you're opposed to it, but why would you make the Sith Agent requirements exclude Ventress at p2-p4 after requiring Ventress specifically at p1? That's not building up over time, that's discarding the work people have done.

I think the quest titles are badly designed, and I won't pursue them until they get revamped, but I'm not the only one playing this game and other people probably will go after them despite the Arena requirements and other problems. So, don't worry about me, I'm far too disenchanted for a small change to make much difference, but for the people who still manage to take these quests seriously you should really revamp the Sith Agent requirements to allow Ventress to count as a Sith for all p2+ requirements even if she doesn't get the faction tag.
  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    Also, having ventress at gear 12 is never a bad thing. She's amazing in 2 raids and TB/TW.

    Oh, I fully agree. And yes, you don't have to sacrifice arena rank for Sith, but you do for all the others. If you read the OP, first I was talking about the quests in general. Only later was I talking about Ventress specifically.

    As for that, either Ventress is Sith or she isn't (which has nothing to do with how awesome she is). Requiring her for a Sith event without giving her the Sith tag is bad design. It's not that she's not worth the investment - she is! But (as far as this game goes) she's not Sith. Requiring her for the preliminaries of a quest and then throwing her away for the rest of the quest is just bad design. It's sending mixed messages.

    She's Sith or she's not. If she's not, what is she doing in a Sith quest?

    If the point is that it's a Sith agent quest and not a Sith quest, then she should be relevant throughout the whole quest. After all, Vader isn't a Sith Agent. He's just a Sith. Yet Vader counts towards the 5 x gear12 characters you need while Ventress doesn't.

    It's not about taking the quests seriously or not seriously or too seriously. The just never thought through what it means to put a non-Sith in a Sith quest. Designers not thinking things through has nothing to do with whether or not players take the titles too seriously.
  • @MasterSeedy

    So is that not consistent with the rest of the game? Ewoks Vs Seperatists in Assault Battles for example?
    There's plenty in the game that doesn't fit together in the exact way it should if you go by the Star Wars universe.

    To my mind, the quests are primarily there to guide newer players to the characters that will be important for them either now or in the future.
    There's plenty of new players coming into the game, this is designed to keep more of them here and that's a great thing.

    "They never thought through what it means..."
    Honestly it doesn't mean anything past Ventress being available early on, a great character and there's no Nightsister quest, why not throw her in there?
    In my opinion that seems pretty well thought through.

    I don't see any arena sacrifice for any of the quests. If you're a new player then these battles can be won with the required faction as you rise up. If you're a long time player, just do what everyone else does and speak to your shard mates. When you're both sitting at 1st and 2nd half hour before your payout then just put in weak teams and swap wins.

    Finally, I don't think I mentioned anything about anyone taking anything too seriously or not. The game is there for everyone and I would hope most play it in the way that they want so they have fun and keep playing.
  • "Kyno;c-1573204" wrote:
    "ChristophIV;c-1573088" wrote:
    "Vi1teran_;c-1573085" wrote:
    No need to do them until; Jedi Luke comes out and requires Jedi title, Revan comes out and requires Sith title and Jango comes out and requires bounty hunter title. Seriously what are the chances?


    probably less than 0.
    negative zero.
  • "First_but_66_Order;c-1573394" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-1573204" wrote:
    "ChristophIV;c-1573088" wrote:
    "Vi1teran_;c-1573085" wrote:
    No need to do them until; Jedi Luke comes out and requires Jedi title, Revan comes out and requires Sith title and Jango comes out and requires bounty hunter title. Seriously what are the chances?


    probably less than 0.
    negative zero.

    Thanks for clearing that up with an enormous image of a calculator :)
  • I’m annoyed that they appear to be repetitive tive of some of the achievements. I just unlocked one where I have to donate 100 pieces of gear yet I cleared that highest level achievement over a year ago. Yes, i still donate but should i get credit for the 2500+ items already donated?
  • Just a thought but isn’t it that YOU get the title and not Ventress? If you complete the requirements then you get to call yourself a Sith Agent. So doesn’t that make a little sense that you work with Ventress to start and then move on to working with other Sith? Not sure exactly how it works, but do you even get the agent title after stage one and the later stages give you the other titles like Sith Master, or is it all 4 stages that are required for the agent title?
  • This is alot of thought for a tiny vanity item in a game where there are tons of legitimate concerns and other wildly inappropriate creative licences taken with the Star Wars properties.
  • Ventress is worth it. I am 15 golden eyes from GS12. Night Sister under her lead have performed very well in phase 1 and 4 against Nihilus. She excels in HAAT and TW as well as DSTB node. Her special attack and Zeta are incredible together.

    Very glad her and Veers are awesome leaders and have not disappointed yet in performance.
  • I could be thick, truly, but why waste space in your game, clutter up menu's, add in extra code to track things when so many people are simply not going to do it?
    It really come downs to the Arena. And if a Jedi luke, or a good Jedi pass is coming around at some point - everyone'll just get the arena quest then.. which isn't so prestigious. I've heard about arena-Jedi-day on the shards too, which is great, but defeats the purpose a bit. Kind of like colluding so multiple people can get 1st place in arena... but clearly that ship has set sales - christened by the devs.
    I understand, some people love the day-old lumps of meat the devs throw to them... the rest of us kind of just want the stuff we already have to work, or be fun, or be worth it... then when we get extraneous stuff like the quests and it's like 'why even'.
    Would recommend to add to it PVP in general - and let us do the quests in TB as well - if it must be pvp for whatever reason, open it up.