"tabberkev;844322" wrote:
I have Chirrut (6* G10) and Baze (4* G10), and just managed to get Jyn this time (boy was it hard work). Is it worth me pursuing gearing her? My current Wiggs / Chaze / Shore arena team can only get me to around 50-60th in arena (April shard). Generally getting taken down by much faster teams, and B2 / TFP can shut down Chaze pretty quickly. StHan can also be a problem if hes fast and gives the opposition almost 2 turns before i've moved, if Baze fires back at him.
Thought I saw a video on here last Jyn tournament with just those 3 (Jyn/Chaze) beating top arena teams on their own. Or was that because she was 7*?
Also, why does Jyn have all this potency buff stuff? Which rebels would be able to take full advantage of it? Wedge does defense down, but after that i'm struggling. I thought potency was only used when applying a debuff or a tm reduction, or does it go further than that?
Full Rogue one team
Jyn, K2SO, cassian, Baze, Chirrut.
All but chirrut can debuff and need potency.
To really make Jyn lead shine and useful you really need cassian. He is the only rebel that can land multiple debuffs at once and thus stack exposes from jyn lead ability.
So if you don't have cassian on the team using jyn lead is a waste IMO. Use wedge lead at that point.