7 years ago
R2d2 requirements
Howdy yall.. so ive got two accounts looking at getting R2D2 No zetas but first account has Vader g12 83, Tarkin g10 83, Thrawn g10 83, Storm g8 76 Tfp 72 g9 - is it possible to get 7* r2d2? Se...
"swgregoriou;c-1537104" wrote:
I found the R2 event was easy even the last tier, and you don't need zetas. I personally did it with the following empire:
Palp lead: G11 - ok ish mods
Vader: G10 - ok mods
Royal Guard: G8 - no mods
Snow/Stormtrooper - both G8
Palp and vader basically did all the work while the rest died easily, but it still resulted in a 7* R2, and all toons at lvl 85, but I believe you will be fine.