Forum Discussion

IluvLando's avatar
7 years ago


Since there is a plethora of research out there that proves behaviour that is rewarded on a variable, rather than fixed, ratio schedule is more likely to be reinforced, can all of you that keep whining about the randomness of rewards, heists, events, etc please stop? Science has proven that we will like the game less if they change it.
  • Well, that behavior reinforcement works more in EA/CG's favor than ours
  • But there are degrees of "randomness".

    Flipping a coin and having a sweet if lands on heads is one thing.

    But this game is a bit more extreme than that. My friend and I both started farming the Falcon from the day it become available; 5 attempts each at the node every day without fail. He now has 60+ shards, I have 25. It doesn't balance out.

    And you're saying I would like the game less if I had roughly the same amount of shards as he does? I disagree!
  • The game should balance out over a long enough time period (if it is set up as they say it is, and most of the data collected by players supports this).

    But all this is saying in the original post is that knowing when, where and how much your rewards will be for doing something is much less addictive than not knowing.
  • "Stenun;c-1340985" wrote:
    But there are degrees of "randomness".

    Flipping a coin and having a sweet if lands on heads is one thing.

    But this game is a bit more extreme than that. My friend and I both started farming the Falcon from the day it become available; 5 attempts each at the node every day without fail. He now has 60+ shards, I have 25. It doesn't balance out.

    And you're saying I would like the game less if I had roughly the same amount of shards as he does? I disagree!

    Actually, I started on the same day and I have 42, so, yes it is balanced.
  • I have farmed the Falcon every day since they added it, and I’m at 75. Almost there.
  • "Stenun;c-1340985" wrote:
    And you're saying I would like the game less if I had roughly the same amount of shards as he does? I disagree!

    Maybe he likes the game more then you because he's doing so much better and starts supporting the game more. If that one study is right, only 0.15% of players are whales and they support like 80% of the game - it's more important for the game to try and cultivate bigger spenders and use stuff like this to bring them out of the woodworks.
    Other side could work too - you want to out do your friend despite his luck so you spend more to make up the lack.
    Maybe both sides work just fine - randomness is a stress-type form of habit making, you take those cocaine tests in field mice how you wish. It generally in opposition to timed-types of habit forming, like brushing your teeth when you wake up, which tend to be "better" for you... if not more humanizing.
  • "DracuLaura;d-143131" wrote:
    Since there is a plethora of research out there that proves behaviour that is rewarded on a variable, rather than fixed, ratio schedule is more likely to be reinforced, can all of you that keep whining about the randomness of rewards, heists, events, etc please stop? Science has proven that we will like the game less if they change it.

    If you know human nature, then you’ll understand we, as a species, like to complain about absolutely everything.
  • "Chucko_marek;c-1342501" wrote:
    "DracuLaura;d-143131" wrote:
    Since there is a plethora of research out there that proves behaviour that is rewarded on a variable, rather than fixed, ratio schedule is more likely to be reinforced, can all of you that keep whining about the randomness of rewards, heists, events, etc please stop? Science has proven that we will like the game less if they change it.

    If you know human nature, then you’ll understand we, as a species, like to complain about absolutely everything.

    ok, that hurt my feelings. i'm filing a complaint.