"Stenun;c-1340985" wrote:
And you're saying I would like the game less if I had roughly the same amount of shards as he does? I disagree!
Maybe he likes the game more then you because he's doing so much better and starts supporting the game more. If that one study is right, only 0.15% of players are whales and they support like 80% of the game - it's more important for the game to try and cultivate bigger spenders and use stuff like this to bring them out of the woodworks.
Other side could work too - you want to out do your friend despite his luck so you spend more to make up the lack.
Maybe both sides work just fine - randomness is a stress-type form of habit making, you take those cocaine tests in field mice how you wish. It generally in opposition to timed-types of habit forming, like brushing your teeth when you wake up, which tend to be "better" for you... if not more humanizing.