Forum Discussion

Darth_DeVito's avatar
8 months ago

Re: Webstore purchases

I know this isn't the right forum but I've already contacted support and submitted a ticket with all the details to no avail (see EA support case #166655795 ).

The only response was that one Vineet asks for my PSN ID, XBox Gamertag, Mayhem ID, and Pogo Screen Name. I don't have any of those and couldn't add more information if I wanted to (resuming the case only takes me to a Q&A section). At least Vineet is a gamer and understands how I feel. While that is very comforting I don't think EA support is capable of handling this matter, so if someone at CG could add me to the list of affected players ( ally code 385-516-646 ) that'd be great.

Edit: I did receive one of the 2 crystal chests since I filed the ticket. I'm assuming that was the ingame purchase and the Webstore purchase is still M.I.A.
  • I've also been waiting for actual help from EA Support for 2 days now. The only response was to ask what my email associated with the game was. I did make an in game purchase that I didn't recieve
  • I've been ghosted by in-game help and EA help on this issue as well. Strongly deterring me from ever spending money in the web store again. I missed the pack that I was intending to use crystals on.