Forum Discussion

Angelus2293's avatar
7 years ago

Recommended Mod Setup

I'm wondering, has protection become a worthless stat? Because not a single recommended mod setup suggests protection, not one. In fact it's seems to be the opposite, the new mod system seems to actively drive you away from protection which seems to leave end game players to have the basic protection that comes from level and gear set level, which I don't have to tell you wont get you very far in any herioc raids.
The same seems to be the same for health and offence mods. More than 75% of all the recommended mod sets seem to be Crit Damage, and Crit Chance. I really can't see how that's supposed to take you to a higher level of gaming.
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I'm being led away from protection by the new Mod 2.0 system, and we don't really have the option to ignore it because since the update current mod setups seem to have me hitting like I'm level 50 again. And since this new nonsense has completely taken any online guides and made them worthless, I seem to be stuck either having to blindly follow this new recommendation system you guys have put out, or spend the next few months playing trial and error until I find a mod setup that works for me.
It would be nice for once if you people could leave well enough alone! You wanna bring out new characters fine, great. You wanna bring out new ships fine, great. But how about you don't take players hard work and flush it down the toilet just so you can add another set of purchasable items!
I get that EA is a business, and a business is out to make a profit, but you don't have to mess with everyone's accounts to do it!!
  • How have the pre-existing modding guides been rendered useless? Pretty much everything that applied before mods 2.0 still applies now with respect to what stats are good for which toons. The set bonus changes restore a small amount of balance but don't fundamentally change how you should mod most toons. 6 dots do have more impact but there aren't many people with those yet.
  • "FailingCrab;c-1635191" wrote:
    How have the pre-existing modding guides been rendered useless? Pretty much everything that applied before mods 2.0 still applies now with respect to what stats are good for which toons. The set bonus changes restore a small amount of balance but don't fundamentally change how you should mod most toons. 6 dots do have more impact but there aren't many people with those yet.

    My toons are modded in line with multiple mod guides recommendations, since the mod update, my average hit numbers were usually north of 24k crit, now are crit average of around 10k. So the months spent reading oine mod guides has been completely thrown away, unless you think a drop from 24k to 10k is nothing to be concerned about. Almost every single toon has new recommendations which are completely opposite. Forget the fact that 99% of new recommended mods tiny if any protection. Every recommended setup up is stripping obscene amounts of health and armor and putting less than 2% stats of tenacity and potency. Hell these new recommendations are even suggesting mod setups that don't even have set bonuses.
    So yes the online guides no longer have beneficial setups according to the new mod system.
    The whole new mod system seems to be rushed out so they can add all the new purchasable cards for the elitist gold credit card spenders, cash grab pure and simple, and the rest of us can pound sand as car as they are concerned.
  • I still use Crouching Rancor, they are much better. I think EA will continue to refine their suggestions, 2.0 is still new. If you think is bogus, just use something else. I personally don't use tenacity anywhere and won't farm them, I sold all of them. By far it's Health, CC/CD and potency. Speed is good too but only in certain toons, tanks...not so much; NS zombie, Sith Assasin, etc...absolutely! Seriously CR website for the win.