Chewy was gear 12 due to BH being F2P mostly. Zam, Bane, BFett, Greedo, IG88 and Dengar could all be in your collection at 7 star gear 12 and zetas for a long time.
Bossk made it easier for some, and he could be gear 12 F2P at the time of the event. Only Sing, Embo and JFett were pay to play / whale toons.
So they made it hard to not give it away. I didnt like it but i got him... just took some time to vet good rng.
In this case the toons have been out a few months for whales and f2p for a few weeks. I would hope lower gear... but safe bet is gear 9 and 10 or really good mods.
Bastila at gear 12 with zeta and all omegas
Jolee at gear 11 no zeta all omegas
Mission at gear 8 all attacks and uniques at 7
Zaalbar at gear 8 working on attacks and uniques.
T3 at gear 8 hes next for leveling attacks and uniques
Will be interesting