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Tragamite's avatar
2 years ago

Revisit Luke's X-Wing (Red 5 Legendary)

Red 5 Luke's X-Wing
Light Side, Attacker, Rebel, Jedi

Captain: Commander Luke's Skywalker
Skill: Use the Force Luke: If the target has Target Lock deal 200% damage to target and Damage Over Time for 3 turns.
Copilot: R2-D2
Skill: Lock Down That Stabilizer: Recover 30% Health and Protection. Gain Foresight, 25% Crit Chance and Crit Damage for 2 turns.

T-16 Womprats: Deal True damage to target enemy, inflict Target Lock and Damage Over Time for 2 turns. Grant all allies 10% Turn Meter.

Just like Beggar's Canyon: Grant all Attackers 20% Offense, Tanks 30% Defense, Support ships 50% Crit Chance, and all allies speed up for 2 Turns. If both Wedge Antilles's and Biggs Darklighter's X-wings are active, grant all 3 X-wings all these benefits.

They're My Friends, I got to Help Them: When Entering the Battle as a Reinforcement Luke's X-Wing Dispels all Debuffs on allies and Buffs on enemies. The next attack calls all allies to assist. Grant "They're My Friends, I got to Help Them" to all allies which can't be copied, prevented or dispelled. They're My Friends, I got to Help Them: Gain 20% Turn Meter, 25% Offense and Health Over Time for 3 Turns.

Ships: Home One, Han's Falcon, Rebel Y-Wing, Wedge Antilles's and Biggs Darklighter's X-Wing, Darth Vader's Tie, and Imperial Tie Fighter at 7 star.
Characters: Admiral Ackbar (Relic 5) Biggs Darklighter (Relic 6), Darth Vader (R7), R2-D2 (R7), Wedge Antilles (R6), Captain Han Solo (R7), Commander Luke Skywalker (R8).

Play the attacks on the Death Stars to obtain shards.
  • "Zombefyer;c-2414163" wrote:
    We only see her pilot it once.

    Luke piloted it throughout the original trilogy, used it to blow up the Death Star, and was seen with it in The Mandalorian

    Lore means nothing in the game. Red 5 should still go to Rey
  • a GL as a pilot? That's just wrong on so many levels.
    And Red 5 without a Rebel tag?
  • LendersQuiz's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    "lucaefor;c-2414534" wrote:
    And Red 5 without a Rebel tag?lol

    For game balancing reasons, Red 5 will have no tags at all.
    Not Rebel, not light/dark/neutral, no tags at all. MARK. MY. WORDS. :)
  • "Kal_ElBrooks75;c-2415051" wrote:
    There are good ideas here. I would like to see Luke with the X-Wing and they could do another X-Wing with Rey. They have done it with the Millennium Falcon. They could do the Rebel, Red 5 tag like above and do a Rey version. With Resistance tag.

    This is a fair idea.
  • Okay, after one obtains "Red 5 Luke Skywalker's X-Wing" it would then be possible to obtain "Red 5 Rey's X-Wing." And since no creative minds produced a kit for it, I have here...

    Red 5 Rey's X-Wing
    Light Side, Support, Resistance, Jedi

    Crew: Jedi Training Rey
    Skill: You have everything you need.
    If Rey's X-Wing has any Debuffs, dispel them and apply an opposing buff to all allies. Copy all enemy buffs and apply to Rey's X-Wing. Then Rey calls a random ally to assist.

    Ship Skills:
    That's Luke Skywalker's X-Wing: If the target has Target Lock deal true damage to target and Damage Over Time for 2 turns. Recover 20% Health and Protection. Gain Foresight, 20% Crit Chance and Crit Damage for 2 turns.

    Set course to the Unknown region: Rey's X-Wing has 20% Counter chance for each active Resistance or Jedi ally, (Max 100%). While Rey's X-Wing is active, when an ally deals critical damage, that ally attacks again.

    Red 5 is in the air: When Entering the Battle as a Reinforcement, grant Stealth to Rey's X-Wing for 2 turns, and grant all allies +20% Critical Chance until Rey's X-Wing is defeated.

    Ships: Red 5 Luke Skywalker's X-Wing