Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to and inflict Speed Down for 2 turns. If Royal Guard has more than 50% Health, this attack has an 80% chance to also Stun the target for 1 turn.
Imperial Phalanx (Special) - Cooldown: 3
Dispel all debuffs on all allies, and grant them Defense Up for 2 Turns. Empire allies gain 35% Turn Meter and Defense Penetration Up for 2 turns. Emperor Palpatine recovers 25% Protection.
Unyielding Defender (Unique)
At the end of each turn, if any other ally took damage that turn, Royal Guard dispels all debuffs on himself, gains 15% Turn Meter and recovers 6% 10% Health and Protection. In addition, Royal Guard Taunts for 1 2 turns whenever another ally falls below 50% 100% Health. (Zeta) Whenever an enemy Resists a debuff from an Empire ally, that enemy loses 5% Tenacity (stacking) until the end of battle, which can't be resisted.
Emperor’s Guard (Unique)
Royal Guard gains +50% Defense and Tenacity then Emperor Palpatine gains 50% of Royal Guard's Defense and Tenacity. (Zeta) Emperor Palpatine can't be targeted while Royal Guard is alive.
Nice kit idea. Overall I really like it. I do have some feedback for it. 2 things to be precise: Synergy with emperor palptine's unique (specifically zeta) and counter to Padmé and Galactic Republic.
Synergy with Palpatine's unique (specifically zeta):
Emperor palpatine's zeta on his unique gives him +50% Max Protection and +5% max protection (stacking) whenever he shocks an enemy. It's the stacking part that I want to focus on. Stacking max protection only really matters if you have Consistent Protection Recovery. Because even if you gain more max protection, if you have 0% protection left it will do nothing. Currently the only empire (and sith for that mater) that can recover protection for his allies is Thrawn. So without him in the team this stacking part might as well not be there. To help the synergy between these 2 there should be protection recovery in RG's kit somewhere. This can be with Imperial Phalax, that all empire allies recover protection. Or in one of his uniques. So that allies (or only Palpatine) recover protection. Either way, some Protection recovery for his (empire) allies (or at least for emperor palpatine) somewhere in his kit.
Currently Emperor palpatine and free-to-play empire is one of the best counters to Padmé and her team we have. This is because Imperial Probe Droid can dispel buffs, prevent enemy buffs and The turn meter gain from Palpatine's lead. But most importantly: they don't attack out of turn! So they don't trigger her unique's Protection Up! The zeta on Emperor's guard completely ruins this counter. And as you can imagine, I don't want to split these 2 up just so I can still use this counter. I also don't think these 2 characters really worked together in a way that warrants an assist. I also think 2 zetas is 1 to many for this character, but that is a minor thing. I'm open to the idea of him having 2. Just not an assist. Maybe you can do something with the first point I made for this instead. But I'll leave that up to you. P.s. the can't be Targeted part is really clever. But also so powerful it might actually be Zeta worthy on it's own. Still like it thou.
Other than these 2 points I have no problems with this kit idea. Really nice idea overall. Hope they rework him at some point.
Some things worth noting are that EP has really low defense, a flat boost like 50% of RG's defense would be a bit more effective. Also back when RG was meta his taunt lasted two turns despite the description stating it lasted one turn, which was pretty crucial since he gains turn meter after an ally takes damage and a one turn taunt would be lost almost immediately. If he taunted for two turns whenever an Empire ally falls under full health it would help. Overall though this looks great and I would love to see it in-game. edit: I think the health condition on RG's basic was also added as a nerf, I can't remember, that could also be removed but I think it's interesting as it is
"Ichiraikou;c-1908246" wrote: Nice kit idea. Overall I really like it. I do have some feedback for it. 2 things to be precise: Synergy with emperor palptine's unique (specifically zeta) and counter to Padmé and Galactic Republic.
Synergy with Palpatine's unique (specifically zeta):
Emperor palpatine's zeta on his unique gives him +50% Max Protection and +5% max protection (stacking) whenever he shocks an enemy. It's the stacking part that I want to focus on. Stacking max protection only really matters if you have Consistent Protection Recovery. Because even if you gain more max protection, if you have 0% protection left it will do nothing. Currently the only empire (and sith for that mater) that can recover protection for his allies is Thrawn. So without him in the team this stacking part might as well not be there. To help the synergy between these 2 there should be protection recovery in RG's kit somewhere. This can be with Imperial Phalax, that all empire allies recover protection. Or in one of his uniques. So that allies (or only Palpatine) recover protection. Either way, some Protection recovery for his (empire) allies (or at least for emperor palpatine) somewhere in his kit.
Currently Emperor palpatine and free-to-play empire is one of the best counters to Padmé and her team we have. This is because Imperial Probe Droid can dispel buffs, prevent enemy buffs and The turn meter gain from Palpatine's lead. But most importantly: they don't attack out of turn! So they don't trigger her unique's Protection Up! The zeta on Emperor's guard completely ruins this counter. And as you can imagine, I don't want to split these 2 up just so I can still use this counter. I also don't think these 2 characters really worked together in a way that warrants an assist. I also think 2 zetas is 1 to many for this character, but that is a minor thing. I'm open to the idea of him having 2. Just not an assist. Maybe you can do something with the first point I made for this instead. But I'll leave that up to you. P.s. the can't be Targeted part is really clever. But also so powerful it might actually be Zeta worthy on it's own. Still like it thou.
Other than these 2 points I have no problems with this kit idea. Really nice idea overall. Hope they rework him at some point.
"Allenb60;c-1908263" wrote: Some things worth noting are that EP has really low defense, a flat boost like 50% of RG's defense would be a bit more effective. Also back when RG was meta his taunt lasted two turns despite the description stating it lasted one turn, which was pretty crucial since he gains turn meter after an ally takes damage and a one turn taunt would be lost almost immediately. If he taunted for two turns whenever an Empire ally falls under full health it would help significantly. Overall though this looks great and I would love to see it in-game
"Ichiraikou;c-1908350" wrote: If you are putting the Protection recovery in this special it would probably be better to just let all Empire allies recover protection. Considering how little Protection recovery they have. Still a nice update and Definitely helps the synergy. Great job.
I think it's enough for everybody just as it is.
"Ichiraikou;c-1908350" wrote: Wording here is a bit vague. Especially since tenacity already is a Percentage based stat. It would probably be better to word it like this: Royal Guard gains +50% Defense and Tenacity. If Emperor Palpatine is an ally, he gains Defence equal to half of Royal Guard's Defence and Tenacity equal to half of Royal Guard's Tenacity.
Still a nice and quick reaction. And some good updates.
Actually the way you put it is more confusing. The idea is that Palps gets half of Royal Guard's total Def and Ten (after Royal Guard receives the additional +50%).
However, Royal Guard recovering 15% protection AND health after each turn seems a little overpowered. His power is already visible from the 2 zeta upgrades. Change that to 10% and he is really useful.
He'd have 70k protection if people ramped him up = 10k protection recovery and 6k hp recovery etc. And if people give him a lot of Tenacity, bye bye Healing Immunity and Shock.
"Zombie961;c-1907319" wrote: Idea I saw on another post I think could work here, for his unique while royal guard is active grant Palpatine Guard like how chewie does to han
Guard is a trademark effect of Chewie and i'd like it to stay that way, that's why i went with something different for Royal Guard.
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