Forum Discussion

Shadowscream77's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Satele Shan

I wonder if they will ever include her.....
If so hopefully a much more offensive kit than Bastila + hopefully a node to her Tutaminas.

1) Niman (Basic) If Satele scores a Critical Hit reduce Cooldown on Forceblast by 1
2) Forceblast (Special) Cooldown 3 - Damages all opponents + inflicts stagger on Critical - Zeta - adds AOE stagger & grants TM to team as they get time to regroup.
3) Clairvoyant (leadership) - Combines her legendary foresight and Battle Meditation—> Team has Critical Hit Immunity that Can’t be dispelled. Starts battle with Retribution and Offence up. regains Retribution whenever Satele takes a turn.
4) Tutaminas (Unique) Immune to all Basic lightsaber and energy based attacks.

I suck at making kits!
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