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Basanovbeni's avatar
4 years ago

GL Satele Shan Fankit

The Light Side counterpart to my GL Darth Malgus kit that I made a short while ago. For this one, I wanted to get specially creative and thought of a particularily unique way to demonstrate her personality and her mission in the later years after she left the Jedi order to find her path. I hope you enjoy the read and that I earn your honest feedback!

UNIT NAME: Satele Shan


CATEGORY: Support, Leader, Galactic Legend, Old Republic, Unaligned Force User

Former Jedi Grandmaster who guards her allies with efficient damage mitigations and through crippling her enemies severely

Basic: REPEL


FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Deal special damage to the target enemy and dispel all debuffs on Satele Shan. This Ability cannot be evaded. If Satele Shan uses this Ability during her turn, call all ally Healers and Supports to assist, dealing 60% reduced damage. If Satele Shan is below 75% Health, she gains +50% Healthsteal when using this Ability.

Special 1: IT GUIDES OUR PATHS (Cooldown 8)


FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Dispel all buffs on all enemies and all debuffs on all allies, inflict all enemies with Offense Down, Defense Penetration Down and Critical Damage Down for 2 turns, then equalize the health of all active units. All allies recover 5% Health per buff and 5% Protection per debuff dispelled. Afterwards Satele Shan gains Force Guardian for 1 turn which cannot be prevented, copied or dispelled.

Whenever an other ally takes damage while Satele Shan has Force Guardian, reduce the cooldown of this Ability by 1 and gain 7% Ultimate Charge.

Force Guardian: -50% Speed, +50% Tenacity, Critical Avoidance and Defense. All other allies take -30% damage from all sources and take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes Raid Boss). The mitigated damage is re-directed to Satele Shan.

Special 2: UNUSUAL ALLIES (Cooldown 3)


FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Deal special damage to all enemies and remove 20% Turnmeter, reduce their Max Protection by 20% (Stacking) and inflict the primary target with Armor Shred. Enemies critically hit are inflicted with Daze for 2 turns, enemies not critically hit are inflicted with Vulnerable and Defense Down for 2 turns and enemies that evade are Ability Blocked for 2 turn. Afterwards, call all other allies to assist, dealing +25% Damage, doubled for Unaligned Force Users.

If the Primary Target is in the leader slot and not in the ally slot, this Ability cannot be evaded or resisted.



FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) All Allies gain +50% Tenacity, +100% Defense and +30% Healthsteal, doubled whenever an ally goes below 50% Health.

Light Side allies dispel all buffs at the beginning of their turns (except Taunt), gaining +15% Mastery per buff dispelled by this effect. If they defeat an enemy, all allies gain all of the dispelled buffs for 2 turns.

Whenever an Unaligned Force User goes below 75% Health for the first time per encounter, they gain +50% Turnmeter, they increase their Max Health by 25% (Stacking) until the end of the Encounter and all their cooldowns are reduced by 1.

If a Unaligned Force User ally uses an Ability that damages more than one enemy during their turn, they cannot be countered.



FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Satele Shan cannot be healed by other allies, but during each of her turns, she recovers 25% Health. Whenever Satele Shan loses Force Guardian, she recovers full health Additionally, as long as Satele Shan has Force Guardian, she cannot be defeated.

If an ally takes lethal damage while Satele Shan has Force Guardian, she immediately loses it and that ally recovers 50% Health and Protection and they take a Bonus Turn. This effect may only occur once per ally unit per encounter. If Force Guardian is lost through this Effect, the cooldown of It Guides Our Paths is reduced to 3.

Satele Shan gains 2% Ultimate Charge whenever she inflicts an enemy with a debuff or they lose a debuff.



FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. They take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes Raid Boss) and are immune to stun effects.

This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%.



FINAL TEXT: Requires 75% Ultimate Charge to activate.

Ultimate Charge: Satele Shan gains 2% Ultimate Charge whenever an enemy gains or loses any debuffs, and receives 7% Ultimate Charge whenever an other ally is damaged while she has Force Guardian.

All Allies have their health equalized, recover 20% Health which cannot be prevented by healing-denying effects and they gain +50% Mastery per active ally, doubled for Unaligned Force User allies. If Satele Shan does not have Force Guardian, she gains it for 1 turn.

If less than 100% Ultimate Charge was used, deal true damage to all enemies, stun them for 1 turn which cannot be resisted, reduce their defense by 50% until the end of the Encounter and remove all of their Turnmeter.

If 100% Ultimate Charge was used, deal true damage to all enemies which increases by +20% per unit below 100% Health, stun them for 2 turns which cannot be resisted, reduce their defense by 50% until the end of the Encounter and remove all their Turnmeter. Afterwards, they are inflicted with Speed Down for 4 turns which cannot be prevented, copied or dispelled.
  • Blubcop's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    I really like her first special with the health equalization on all unit.
    But I think her Ultimate charges too fast. With Bastila(fallen) on the Team it would probably be possible too use it in her second turn.
  • "Blubcop;c-2270186" wrote:
    I really like her first special with the health equalization on all unit.
    But I think her Ultimate charges too fast. With Bastila(fallen) on the Team it would probably be possible too use it in her second turn.

    It is a possible risk, yes. But it is highly unlikely that you'd separate BSF from Revan. Half of what makes Revan work comes from her kit, so it would be a very, VERY costly trade-off you would make. So costly that I dare say people wouldn't do it. But I do admit, now that you say it, it would charge really fast like that.
  • "Blubcop;c-2270186" wrote:
    I really like her first special with the health equalization on all unit.
    But I think her Ultimate charges too fast. With Bastila(fallen) on the Team it would probably be possible too use it in her second turn.

    I did edit it tho so it only charges if she inflicts a debuff. But it does go for any debuffs they lose still. Is that better?