"nabokovfan;c-1931613" wrote:
I want to see the Belbullab-22 starfighter but that should be GG as the pilot (that's the ship he tries to escape with.
I also think dooku severely needs to have his ship added. Same ship as geonosians when the solar sail is not deployed and very easily added. You can also add Jango to the separatists, and ventress had something I'm sure!
"Fauztin;c-1931571" wrote:
I’m still salty that GG got the Cap Ship. Should have been Nute. GG is known for piloting the Sep Bomber, it even shows him doing so in the final Tank raid cinematic. I suppose you’re right that Magnaguard could be a sufficient substitute.
Nute's shipmodel was teased in the background of the GG/vulture Droid Marquee. Phase 6 I think. So they've already modelled it, and I'm thinking it'll be released as well. Maybe even a ship raid.
Ventress would have that octopus type ship, though the name admittedly alludes me