Forum Discussion

466747143's avatar
5 years ago

Ship battle in Grand arena isn't "working"

Dear Players, dear Developers,

I wanted for long to say this in forums. Although i believe that the developers are not paying serious attention to forums,i ll give it a try.
The ship battle in Grand arena, is not working as it should and i will explain what i mean.

When we have a combined battle in Grand arena, ships and characters, the ship is in the Back position, and therefore a player with very strong character team ( Revan or anything else ) can Block the way and consequently the ship battle, can be never took place, something that is not intended, when we speak for ships and characters battle.

I have noticed that the majority of players do not give big attention to ships, and therefore from a combined ship and character battle, the Grand arena fails to fulfill its purpose: A battle with ships and characters, and has absolutely no difference than the battle only with characters.

The solution, i propose and strongly recommend, is to put to First line of battle the ship battle, so it will become unavoidable for anyone, if wants to win, to give a first battle with ships.
By putting the ships on the back zone, simply negates them, and there is no reason at all why we speak for Ships battle.

Thank you and hope for this to be improved.
  • And what are these guys scared?

    All these and i do mean all of these have very weak ship power, but are extremely powerful in characters. So if or when they meet me in GA they negate one of GA s main functions: ship battle.
    All of you cannot and will not convince me that a donkey has wings cause goes against your character armada; that a weak in characters can beat you.
    But according to the game's function exactly that should be done if circumstances demand it, but the developers made that wrong way.

    Ending, i want to say that the beauty of ANY strategy game, is that a weak with clever tactics can beat a stronger enemy.
    I m very disappointed that this is not happening here.
  • Just because you are not beating stronger opponents with your cleverness doesn't mean others also aren't.
  • "TVF;c-2018165" wrote:
    Just because you are not beating stronger opponents with your cleverness doesn't mean others also aren't.

    Wrong again.

    The GA told me about ship fights.
    Now, not only me but many others wont have the pleasure to use their ships.
    Just because of that.
  • "DarthSummers;c-2027775" wrote:
    The rules of this round of GAC is clear: beat characters to get to the ships. Just because this isn't how you like it, doesn't mean that it's wrong or broken.

    If you can't get to the ships, then your strategy for this game mode is wrong. You need to have viable teams to throw at what comes your way. Bastilla led Jedi can be beat by many teams, and if you can't get by them, work on something that will get you there

    Show me the rules with the paragraph indicated.
  • "Greek_Jedi_Knight;c-2029550" wrote:
    "Hi Holotable Heroes!

    .....And thanks to YOUR WRONGLY DESIGN of ship battles in grand arena, this SHIP BATTLE WILL NEVER TAKE PLACE (check screenshots before).
    Its simply a mockery to the community.

    PS to Admin:
    If you remove this which is the truth, and nothing less, you will simply show that there is no free speech here, and you will never get feedback from me again in the future. And i have 2,480 fleet victories, and more than active player AND customer.

    1. I’ve never not done a fleet battle in GAC, so it’s your gameplay, not game design.
    2. It’s well established speech is regulated and not free, that’s why there’s terms of use and moderators.
  • "SithVicious;c-2029560" wrote:
    "Greek_Jedi_Knight;c-2029550" wrote:
    "Hi Holotable Heroes!

    .....And thanks to YOUR WRONGLY DESIGN of ship battles in grand arena, this SHIP BATTLE WILL NEVER TAKE PLACE (check screenshots before).
    Its simply a mockery to the community.

    PS to Admin:
    If you remove this which is the truth, and nothing less, you will simply show that there is no free speech here, and you will never get feedback from me again in the future. And i have 2,480 fleet victories, and more than active player AND customer.

    1. I’ve never not done a fleet battle in GAC, so it’s your gameplay, not game design.
    2. It’s well established speech is regulated and not free, that’s why there’s terms of use and moderators.

    Read better from the beginning ALL my comments.
    I hate repeat my self and reply to everyone.
  • "Greek_Jedi_Knight;c-2029565" wrote:
    "SithVicious;c-2029560" wrote:
    "Greek_Jedi_Knight;c-2029550" wrote:
    "Hi Holotable Heroes!

    .....And thanks to YOUR WRONGLY DESIGN of ship battles in grand arena, this SHIP BATTLE WILL NEVER TAKE PLACE (check screenshots before).
    Its simply a mockery to the community.

    PS to Admin:
    If you remove this which is the truth, and nothing less, you will simply show that there is no free speech here, and you will never get feedback from me again in the future. And i have 2,480 fleet victories, and more than active player AND customer.

    1. I’ve never not done a fleet battle in GAC, so it’s your gameplay, not game design.
    2. It’s well established speech is regulated and not free, that’s why there’s terms of use and moderators.

    Read better from the beginning ALL my comments.
    I hate repeat my self and reply to everyone.

    No need, I’ve been reading and am caught up. Your arguments just don’t make sense to me. My experience has been different than yours.
  • "SithVicious;c-2029570" wrote:
    "Greek_Jedi_Knight;c-2029565" wrote:
    "SithVicious;c-2029560" wrote:
    "Greek_Jedi_Knight;c-2029550" wrote:
    "Hi Holotable Heroes!

    .....And thanks to YOUR WRONGLY DESIGN of ship battles in grand arena, this SHIP BATTLE WILL NEVER TAKE PLACE (check screenshots before).
    Its simply a mockery to the community.

    PS to Admin:
    If you remove this which is the truth, and nothing less, you will simply show that there is no free speech here, and you will never get feedback from me again in the future. And i have 2,480 fleet victories, and more than active player AND customer.

    1. I’ve never not done a fleet battle in GAC, so it’s your gameplay, not game design.
    2. It’s well established speech is regulated and not free, that’s why there’s terms of use and moderators.

    Read better from the beginning ALL my comments.
    I hate repeat my self and reply to everyone.

    No need, I’ve been reading and am caught up. Your arguments just don’t make sense to me. My experience has been different than yours.

    I dont care for your opinion.
    Nobody asked it.
    The reason i created this thread is to address it to DEVELOPERS, none else.
  • The ADMIN, remove some of my comments, VIOLATING free speech here.

    Thats the truth, like it or not:

    there is no ship battle.

    Its a mockery. Like it or not.
    Its wrongly designed. Like it or not.
    And you dont want to hear bad reviews as well. Only the good stuff.Like it or not.
    Thats why,
    You will never get feedback from me again.
    And OF COURSE, wont pay again.