Forum Discussion

Shaun51422's avatar
Rising Novice
7 months ago

Ship Omegas (and Currency)

Is anybody else starting to think CG should consider doing something to make these more available? I've been playing a little over 4 years and until recently I can't remember the last time I had to care about ship Omegas, but with all the new ships and and with them requiring way more material than the old ships my once huge stock of resources is dwindling. The problem is that there really isn't a decent way to get them other than those they give us for participating in the events and Fleet Challenges. I know you can farm them on level 5 battle nodes, but the drop rate isn't really realistic to help. This has to be really bad for newer players who have only been around a year or 2. I have around 300 myself right now and I feel like if I save those and keep saving (rather than upgrading some older ships I now have but won't really use - Resistance) I should be good for about the next 3 releases. After that it will be waiting months to save enough to upgrade anything.

I think a good option would be adding them to the Guild Activity shipments. It would also be nice if the Currency were more available there and in higher amounts. Seems like the currency appears less and less and it really is a small amount when it is there.
  • Marec013's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "MasterSeedy;c-2461841" wrote:
    Thanks for doing the math, Marec.

    Just so you know, I do care about younger accounts, and when I was hearing from a lot of folks about the zeta economy, I made a post here about it even though I had no reason to be concerned for myself. This is that post if you'd like to read it (though please don't comment -- it's considered bad to resurrect a dead thread, if you want to talk about the zeta economy more you can do it here or make a new post specifically about zetas):

    Thanks as well for that prior zeta post. You're right, MasterSeedy, CG does listen and we do appreciate any help they can offer their players like through those bonus drop events. Meathead has our thanks on that.

    Zetas are understandably a bottleneck, but the current progression takes it to nearly a decade of farming, which is very overwhelming for anyone starting out. Even buying LSB won't help since it offers none. It certainly would be nice to see more avenues to obtain zetas considering the significant length of time to farm and how many are needed.

    The data I provided does have 2 other zeta farms available via MK3 Raid Tokens at 1175 per material, but that's too pricy and most will use MK3 to buy R8-9 relic mats. There's also the end of season GAC pack of 4-10 zetas for 1250 crystals but that wasn't available this last season, so it's not consistently reliable.

    As for the ship omegas, Morgoth is right that this is likely not meant to be a pain point. Younger accounts might benefit from these being added to say MK1 Raid Tokens just like how regular omegas have 5 sold per week at 875 MK1 in the Weekly Shipment. It's not alot, but 5 extra per week does help.
  • I have all the ships. Only 2 are not maxed because the pilots are not geared . I'm not even close to running out of ship materials, not even omegas. And I have never bought or farmed them.
  • Has anyone mentioned this is a resource management game? Normal to be short, so choices have to be made. And later be swimming in them as you level up.
  • Morgoth_swgoh's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Are you sure there’s not some regular event you are missing out on or something like that?
    Granted my account is several years older than yours, but I have +2.400 ship omegas and all ships maxed.
    I have no recollection of ever buying packs with ship omegas in them as I can’t recall them being scarce for years.

    If this is indeed a massive bottleneck for newer accounts I’ve got no issues with suggestions for how to smooth a path, just surprised if this is an issue tbh.
  • I agree, I have thousands of ship omegas and I never went out of my way to get some.
  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    Here's how to convince folks that there's a problem.

    1. Calculate the # of ship omegas required to max out a new ship.
    2. Calculate the # of new ships per year.
    3. Multiply to get the number of new Omegas required per year
    4. Calculate the number of ship omegas gained as income per year
    5. Show that line 3 is greater than or equal to line 4.

    As long as we're getting more Omegas than we need, then the overall trend is going in the right direction and there's either not a bad problem or no problem at all.

    I don't object to the OP bringing it up, but I probably won't countersign without more info showing with numbers that this is a problem.

    I don't complain about ship currency when I would love more b/c of mods. It would be very nice to have, but it's not necessary to progress in the game.

    In the meantime, remember that you don't have to omega everything. Plo Koon's ship, for instance, is primarily there just for the reinforcement ability. Omegas on the ship are nice, but don't affect why the ship is in your lineup in the first place.

    I'm not the best to give advice on which Omegas are skippable, but that could be a useful additional place for this thread to go. Even if they respond positively to your post and release more ship Omegas, it's going to take them a while to make the decision and implement it. So for the time being, at least, Omegas will have to be rationed by some folks.

    So what good ships have bad Omegas that could be skipped or not-great Omegas that could be delayed?
  • Marec013's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    OP suggests allowing things like ship omegas to be purchasable in shipments, which again is a good idea.

    We're due for a major content/title update anyhow, so feedback from newer accounts and their struggles should be welcomed, be it ship omegas, zetas, whatever.

    Just like how end game players can buy kyros/omis in many different shops and core gear was updated a few years back, other systems in this game could use some updates.
  • Morgoth_swgoh's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I don’t think it’s fair to compare ship omegas and zetas.
    Most ships can have a use so really all of the omegas (or the vast majority) is needed.

    This isn’t the case for Zetas.
    I have a bunch that no newer accounts should consider getting possibly ever because they are outdated, same goes for several omis.
    There’s a bunch of both zeta and omi I do not have and never plan to get.
  • It's the same thing i've heard for many years with toon omega's and zeta's. Too hard to get. Initially? probably so. Once you get going, not at all. There's a very small number of ships to boot. I'm guessing though, this is more of a first world problem. If you can't buy them, but you can buy everything else, what can you do but wait? I can't say i have a problem with that.