"irafreak;701661" wrote:
Well let's not forget the extra cash, training droids, sim tickets, and extra small pieces...They figure into the equation too.
The cash is minimal, 187k for 250 farms. If your are 80 and have been farming hard nodes for shards you have thousands of sin tickets, tens of thousands of droids but no cash to use them and the gear is low usage gear so you have hundreds.
I did the math a while back ago and if you are willing to spend 100+ a refresh then buy them in shipments if they show. I use left over energy from the 2x50 refresh on gear farming after I've farmed my shards I want which usually ends up to be 3-5 farms a day. If I have a toon I'm really wanting to lvl fast, I'll buy it if it pops up.
At the rate I'm going now it's about 800-1,000 bucks a year which is a bit ridiculous considering how much they messed up the last two major updates and I just get killed by guys spending 5k a month because the game is so unbalanced.