"PurfxMol;43389" wrote:
I'm wondering what the general consensus is for this: should the same 3 players ALWAYS get the best raid rewards? If you're in a guild and you want to advance up the tiers, shouldn't that top 3 be allowed to win by people that need it to gear up faster? I realize the top 3 earn those top spots, but as a guild, wouldn't we have issues with moving up in tiers if those raid rewards aren't won by other guild members every so often? Especially if we raid fairly often?
I may be completely crazy, just curious. Thanks for any response!
1st - "best" is subjective. This is RNG, and I haven't seen data to support the top three receive better rewards.
2nd - if you are referring to Han shards, then whomever inflicts the most damage should receive top honors and the most shards.
3rd - you should take a closer look at the reward system. Other than quantity, you can win the same items at 49th as you can 2nd place. All tierVII with varying changes at full crafted.
4th - just because you need something doesn't mean you are entitled to get it.
5th - you've obviously brought this topic up in guild chat, didn't get the support you were expecting and we're shot down on the idea. Now you've come here looking to gain support for your argument. If I was your guild leader I would have booted you for bringing internal guild related issues to a public forum. If you don't like the way your guild operates, find new one.