Forum Discussion

Stryker667sh's avatar
7 years ago

So was Deathmark also nerfed in raids?.

So I've noticed since they changed the amount of damage done by expose, that my trooper squad isn't dealing nearly as much damage in both tank and Sith raids. In fact prior to "Expose Fix" my troopers would hit for about 18k-20k additional when deathmark applied. Now they only hit for additional 11k-13k. That huge chunk of damage over 4-5 deathmark applications during course of 15+ rounds in raid. Any one else see this?
  • Wasnt nerfed they changed the overall health of the sith raids to accommodate the changes to expose. No idea why it would do less on haat.
  • We have guild members that have noticed similar behavior. Quite concerning if true...
  • I don't use DT much in haat, but in sith raid the death mark still yields about 25k for me.
  • Both expose and death mark were nerfed a while back as they yielded too much dmg and death mark was just nerfed again so it could no longer stack in the raids
  • It depends on boss healthpool. In P2 HAAT I get like 5k additional damage from deathmark. In P3 hSTR I get like 36k if I remember correctly.
  • Didn't they specifically state a while back that death mark was not being nerfed or changed in any way when they were explaining the expose nerf.
  • The deathmark percentage hasn’t been needed, but they reduced the total healthpool of the bosses I believe. The percentage is then on a smaller total, so will deliver less damage for each trigger of deathmark.
  • "Shonkathonk;c-1555380" wrote:
    Wasnt nerfed they changed the overall health of the sith raids to accommodate the changes to expose. No idea why it would do less on haat.

    This. It came up when they first made the change.
  • "UnknownEcho;c-1555377" wrote:
    Both expose and death mark were nerfed a while back as they yielded too much dmg and death mark was just nerfed again so it could no longer stack in the raids

    Im ok with it not stacking, But I dont like that it doesnt reset the timer on deathmark if you go to apply it a second time. If the character is about to end their deathmark and I hit them with it again they still lose the deathmark at their next turn.