So what is the purpose in Scythe now.
So apparently it is "fixed" as in it was not supposed to work for Chimera at all. that leaves 2 major problems
1. What is the point in chimera now. before it was worth to invest into it for Levi but they buffed tie dagger to stop that even though Levi was still the #1 meta fleet.
2. what is the point in Scythe. it is the most expensive pilot shop being a conquest ship that takes an event character that needs 4 r5's and they need to be higher than that at first for scythe to do anything at all. The ship is gone the empire fleet faction might as well not exist because they both are trash Tarkin can barely beat P1 with good rng and if you get bad rng your screwed no matter what with RC mark.
It is very bad design and a slap in the face when people spent a year on relics for pilots to counter it and you buff it out of the blue why. It was the strongest already it is not a coin flip mirror no more using dif line ups to finesse what they throw down anymore.
Fleets is 100% the worst part of this game and i do hope they roll back the dagger buff. if anything that buff should of been for First Order only and let that fleet have some more life to it. instead Levithan gets a 4th buff Executor gets a new ship and the rest of fleets are left to figure it out. when will we get a buff or a lifter for home one. or the endurance to make it a more in line fleet.
Will we be getting new empire ships for Chimera so it can function on it's own now as it literally is the worst fleet to use now and that is saying something since it cant get a good tank to stick now or a way to avoid the key ships getting nuked on turn 1