Forum Discussion

bcarry82's avatar
8 years ago

TB Advice - stop focusing so much on Platoons

A lot of banter has been going on about Platoons. I agree there are some flaws in the design that need to be worked out, but people are treating them as the reason they're not getting more stars, and that's simply not the case. So, I wanted to provide some feedback that will hopefully help guilds achieve higher stars during the next TB event.

Our guild had 35 million GP in the first TB and because of a couple players leaving for stronger guilds we had 34 million GP for the second TB.

1st TB - 35 GP - 15 stars
2nd TB - 34 GP - 19 stars

How did we jump 4 stars with 1 million less GP?

We directed people to the territory that had the best chance of progressing far in the battles and ignored platoons we could not fill.

You achieve more points completing the battles than filling platoons and even if we completed EVERY platoon across every phase, we'd maybe get 1 or 2 more stars simply because the overall guild GP is so low and the territory points are insignificant. We left a max of 300 - 450k per phase (that's not going to get you to the next star when you have 20 million+ gap between 2 and 3 stars.


- don't get hung up on platoons, especially in ships because you get more points in the battles
- focus on the territory in each phase you can get to 2 stars (most are pretty easy to get to 1 star, so do those after)

  • "Nack_Alfaghn;c-1276019" wrote:

    If you do the math you will see that Guild GP is by far the most important part of scoring in TB.

    You don't need every member of your guild to finish every wave to get your max score on any given territory, therefore you don't really need the bonus provided by the platoons.

    I know it sounds backwards but do the math and you will see. Yes the battles can make a difference between getting an extra star but if your guild is strong enough to complete every wave your guild doesn't need to complete every wave.

    Agreed. But why I said that GP as far as this topic is concerned is irrelevant since you can't change it, so for the min/maxers or people with less than 120M GP... platoons to make sure your whole guild completes as many waves as possible. Then battles to get as much bonus as possible.

    Learning how to play as a team is hard. Sometimes it means waiting and sacrificing a toon to the greater good.
  • "Nack_Alfaghn;c-1276019" wrote:
    Yes the battles can make a difference between getting an extra star but if your guild is strong enough to complete every wave your guild doesn't need to complete every wave.

    lol wut?
    How can you say the combat missions aren't more important than a player's total GP? You throw a squad worth, say, 90k GP into a combat mission where they earn 400k TP, and the final wave is worth ~100k. That's a heck of a return on investment.
  • "EventineElessedil;c-1276035" wrote:
    "Nack_Alfaghn;c-1276019" wrote:
    Yes the battles can make a difference between getting an extra star but if your guild is strong enough to complete every wave your guild doesn't need to complete every wave.

    lol wut?
    How can you say the combat missions aren't more important than a player's total GP? You throw a squad worth, say, 90k GP into a combat mission where they earn 400k TP, and the final wave is worth ~100k. That's a heck of a return on investment.

    The statement doesn't make sense but I've read his other posts. I believe what he's trying to say is that sometimes doing additional waves don't get your extra stars, say if you just crossed the 2* threshold but mathematically can't reach 3* even with perfect combat and the rest of the Deployment points.
  • My only problem with platoons is that I thought they were supposed to be random, yet the same toons keep popping up. I mean, every single "randomly-selected" 15-toon platoon I've looked at has had a requirement for a Biggs and a Wedge. Am I wrong? Are they not random?