Forum Discussion

Calgacus66's avatar
Rising Novice
8 months ago

This might sound strange coming from me but…

I am wholly opposed to the introduction of gifts in the store. I think it might have dangerous consequences and this is why I don’t like it:

1. I haven’t seen evidence of huge demand from the players - so it feels as if it’s being introduced on a false premise (& at the expense of more genuinely requested QoL improvements)
2. It appears like a cynical attempt by CG to create a new demand and market for intra-guild gifting, made more cynical by the inclusion of LSBs which will inevitably drive demand.
3. Precisely because of the LSB disparity, it will inevitably encourage some people to try & work around lack of supply in the main store through transferring funds to guild mates to buy and gift on their behalf - this opens up security risks for players and the potential for fraud etc
4. Most worryingly this seems to create conditions for cyber bullying- eg more vulnerable, less mature or more anxious guild members might be pressured into gifting to others (perhaps to preserve a perceived at risk position in a guild, to strengthen a guild for events or to curry favour etc)

Gifts and rewards are a big part of what I do - and so is security and safeguarding. I have to say on first view, this system looks risky and on the face of it, a short sighted attempt to boost income at the cost of player safety.

CG I hope you’ve done the due diligence on this because it wouldn’t get past the North Pole’s Risk and Audit elves.

Edit - typo