Forum Discussion

Ely101413's avatar
9 years ago

Thoughts from a concerned citizen

I have several points I want to bring up in regards to this game, its development and its future progression they are:

1) The way development/updates are currently handled.
2) P2P/F2P Balance
3) Raid Difficulty and Character Scaling

1) The way development/updates are currently handled.

- Before I continue investing time and money in this game I want to know if you intend to address the issues with your development lifecycle. Currently it seems that only limited unit testing takes place before the entire update is released. Every major update has introduced multiple serious issues and even minor updates have often caused serious (and readily apparent) bugs. Even worse, many of these bugs are not well defined and exploitation of them, intentional or not, could be game breaking. I should not have to worry that I am going to lose all the time and money I have already spent because I got banned for "exploiting" a bug I was not even aware of and that should have been caught by any reasonable testing cycle.

If nothing else I am sure that a significant portion of the current user community would happily volunteer to assist in testing these updates. Releasing these updates to 50-100 regular players should allow you to catch most if not all of the bugs before a global release.

2) P2P/F2P Balance

I personally am P2P and yet I am very upset to see that the P2P advantage over F2P has been getting steadily larger. While P2P should rightfully gain some advantage from spending there still needs to be some balance. If not, the F2P and small-time buyers (who are most of your playerbase) will begin to quit as they can no longer even hope to compete at high levels.
The most recent updates (mods, additional ways to purchase raid gear) have only made this issue worse. In the case of mods requiring specific team compositions in order to get the items you need to stay competitive is a horrible idea. I fully understand the desire to encourage diversification but unless both credits and gear-farming are over-hauled it will simply act as a barrier to anyone who cannot pay to accelerate their progress.

3) Raid Difficulty and Character Scaling

The difficulty and design of the current raid needs to be addressed. It is now not just possible but common for an individual to be capable of millions of damage in one attack on a Tier 7 raid. While this is mitigated somewhat by overflow damage not being counted that is no way a permanent solution. Especially as the developers seem determined to continue adding ways to boost the power of our characters.
Adjusting the difficulty of the existing tier is probably out of the question but adding an additional tier (with increased health for the bosses) with only slightly greater rewards would help considerably. If this is not possible than a technical fix that allows everyone to get their name on the leaderboard (so they get rewards) would at least be something.
  • They definitely need to test mods before it goes live. If mods divide class balance so much that nerfs are required in the future to even the playing field then I see no point in spending another dollar or even playing swgoh anymore. Fastest way for me to turn on this game is if they nerf one of my toons that I spent time, materials & money on. Proper testing, gathering data & wise decision making will be needed if this is going to work with 100% accuracy. If not I'll turn on swgoh faster than Ramsey's hounds.
  • +1 in all regards.

    On number 2, I too, am a whale. That being said, I will be able to enjoy a large advantage over any F2P players. Oh, the mods require an FO team? check in the box. Most F2P only have Phasma and maybe FOTP from before he was nerfed. Resistance team? my Finn has been 6* lvl 1 with enough shards to 7*. All I need to do is spends some credits and gear him to VII to get him up to par. Same with several other toons.

    F2P's do not have that luxury. F2P players have been forced by the devs to focus on their arena and raid teams only, with the credits, purple/raid gear, and purple/omega mats being so difficult to get. Forcing them to diversify after all of that is starting to drive them (and some P2Ps) away.

    This brings us to number 1. Surely, hiring testers or offering rewards to get a beta group going would be cheaper in the long run than losing your player base. Breaking existing things with new updates, and introducing new bugs before fixing the old, are upsetting players enough that they walk away.

    TL;DR: forcing diversification/poorly tested updates are driving players away from the game. Losing too many f2p/minnows kill games.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera #f2pLivesMatter #SaveThisGame #NeedBetterQA
  • "DwightHalpert;534849" wrote:
    This is a great post! I hope it is read by the right people.

    FACT. Best username and avatar on these here forums. Ever.
  • "Captain_Reynolds;535730" wrote:
    "DwightHalpert;534849" wrote:
    This is a great post! I hope it is read by the right people.

    FACT. Best username and avatar on these here forums. Ever.

    FACT. I'm on season 9 at the moment and I'm now laying in bed with Dwight's voice in my head. I'm totally cool with this.. I guess.
  • +1
    Very well composed thoughts OP.

    In addition, I have an issue with a lot of RNG. I am tired of losing to one team and then retrying and beating them easily. This is in Arena, events and GW. All teams in Arena now are hard for me and I have faced teams where I get stunned and miss so may times I never even get to hit, let alone win. I have given up and just accept any old Arena rank. Why am I struggling in GW when I face 4 or 5 'top team' nodes one after the other.

    The raids could be fun, but again the RNG kills it for me. I am hoping for a Droid caller and so far have only got 7 droid shards in over 37 raids. Too much RNG with not enough certainty has killed raid rewards for me. I will soon unlock Han and never be able to gear him.

    Then there are the characters. I have a nice load of characters and have been playing since November. The sad thing is that most are useless. For a game like this where 90% of the characters to gear and collect are useless is sad. Why does a nightsister team suck so bad? Why is Sid a joke? Why is Chewie softer than a wet blanket?

    Please, PLEASE bring the fun back to the game.

    +1 testing
    +1 team diversity
    +1 fix range elements of rewards
    +1 fix raid
    +1 fix existing bugs

  • +1 for this thread. A very intelligent read and I sincerely hope EA / CG take good note of this.
  • "LaLiam;534839" wrote:

    I worry that the devs (or higher?) are on a different mindset to their playerbase. This message needs getting out.

    Yes definitely they do seem very detached from player base.. that's not a good developer.
  • @Captain_Reynolds @InsertSWPunHere

    Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.

    Question, which bear is best... LOL

    Glad it made you guys smile!!! your comments also put a smile on my face when I got into work this morning!