6 years ago
Throw us a bone
Dear CG amd fellow gamers
If u have not noticed the state of the game is not the best. The GAS event made alot of players quit. Even players who got GAS' motivation is lacking. Guilds is bleeding players and now this epic bug. I left bastilla lead on defence on a 4 year old server and only dropped from rank 17 to rank 42 in 22 hours.
The grind is terrible and playing the catch up game is reel hard. Even when one spend money, the advance is reel slow. Zetas and GET u can not buy, so at some point people can not see the fininsh line or the goal of the game. When one finally gets the shiny new things there are not any new content to use it on and u need to grind gear, zetas and shards for 6 months to make it arena viable.
1. 2rd time an epic confrontation comes around, let it start giving more shards. Maybe not 150 shards, but maybe 10 shards for each phase like the talzin event.
2. Start focus on reworks and new charaters. It is more fun to finish of more charater then working on gear and relics for the same toon.
3. Work on new content and until u make new, make it possible to start and finish raids for individuelle players.
4. Give a propper compensations for the bug that is the same for all players. I personally used 2 hours on the event before it was taken down. Like many other players I did not know it was a bug, there where no ingame message until just before it was taken down. 250 crystals are a joke on many players. The current cost ingame makes 250 crystals look like 3 chewie shard.
Fair enough u do not want people to have 150 extra shards of malak. But make a compensation that give the player base a boost.
Lets make SWGOH great again
If u have not noticed the state of the game is not the best. The GAS event made alot of players quit. Even players who got GAS' motivation is lacking. Guilds is bleeding players and now this epic bug. I left bastilla lead on defence on a 4 year old server and only dropped from rank 17 to rank 42 in 22 hours.
The grind is terrible and playing the catch up game is reel hard. Even when one spend money, the advance is reel slow. Zetas and GET u can not buy, so at some point people can not see the fininsh line or the goal of the game. When one finally gets the shiny new things there are not any new content to use it on and u need to grind gear, zetas and shards for 6 months to make it arena viable.
1. 2rd time an epic confrontation comes around, let it start giving more shards. Maybe not 150 shards, but maybe 10 shards for each phase like the talzin event.
2. Start focus on reworks and new charaters. It is more fun to finish of more charater then working on gear and relics for the same toon.
3. Work on new content and until u make new, make it possible to start and finish raids for individuelle players.
4. Give a propper compensations for the bug that is the same for all players. I personally used 2 hours on the event before it was taken down. Like many other players I did not know it was a bug, there where no ingame message until just before it was taken down. 250 crystals are a joke on many players. The current cost ingame makes 250 crystals look like 3 chewie shard.
Fair enough u do not want people to have 150 extra shards of malak. But make a compensation that give the player base a boost.
Lets make SWGOH great again