Forum Discussion

ripthestagesw's avatar
8 years ago

Tie Reaper needs immediate rework

I now some will come here and tell me don't call for a nerf, don't say it is OP etc... Just don't. People with Reaper and those who haven't faced with a level 85 unique ability level 5 one.

So basically Reaper's unique des the enemy's capital ship to lose 30 (35% if maxed) TM.
It basically means if you have a reaper enemy's capital ship most likely won't get a single turn or maybe one if it's a Home1.

In turn 1 there is always a dead ship. It means your capital ship loses 30% TM. If it is Endurance it is for sure because en if you feed Endurance with TM from Plo most probably a ship dies on your or enemy side = 30% TM loss. Then another ship dies and even if you were that ucky that your Home1 or just let's say Endurance got a turn it doesn't even matter if you place Valor because whenever your capitl ship is close to 100% a ship just dies.

I think no ship should have that effect on enemy's capital ship. Before you start strengten yourself talk I just beat it with using my Home1 with Plo but it doesn't matter. I actually tried not to kill enemy ships to let my Home1 to gain a turn. And it's a maxed 6* one with maxed AA (omega and gear both) so can't be faster.

Yes I know the other answer too, buy it. Yes I tried and yes of course I got Advanced which I already had at 7*... It is what it is. What is really matter this ship does remove 30-35% TM from enemy's capital ship every time a ship dies. It means 1-3 times per turn. It is not OK.
  • If you think Reaper does not need rework you think it is OK that this ship can make the other capital ship to get 0 turn in a fleet battle. Maybe it is just me but what?
  • But to give an idea, its unique should be when allied ship is defeated or something like that. This ship removes 30-35% TM whether you eliminate enemy or lost ships. Around the top everyone should be able to destroy a ship in turn 1 and every turn... Of course I do. I wish I could not. Beause this destroy just removes 30% TM from my capital ship and if it is Endurance it never gets a turn.
  • Yet the reaper is so squishy and can be destroyed in only a few hits. This is a variable that can be removed instantly in turn 1. No nerf needed. If anything, I think Reaper needs some more resistance so it doesn't die so easily.
  • Tm reduction only works now when reaper kills an ennemy ship. That's the rework xD
    Useless now...
  • It is not true. It was bugged and fixed. Works as intended. I take out a reaper recently and removed tm from Endurance. So it works, if a ship is gone it removes tm if not resisted. Finally doesnt remove tm when its reinforcement or already gone... It is what it is. Was pretty unfair that most of the reaper owners got the advantage cause its bug and most of you did use the bug by your will as reinforcement... Guess you all thought it was fair. But you were wrong.