9 years ago
Tie Reaper needs immediate rework
I now some will come here and tell me don't call for a nerf, don't say it is OP etc... Just don't. People with Reaper and those who haven't faced with a level 85 unique ability level 5 one.
So basically Reaper's unique des the enemy's capital ship to lose 30 (35% if maxed) TM.
It basically means if you have a reaper enemy's capital ship most likely won't get a single turn or maybe one if it's a Home1.
In turn 1 there is always a dead ship. It means your capital ship loses 30% TM. If it is Endurance it is for sure because en if you feed Endurance with TM from Plo most probably a ship dies on your or enemy side = 30% TM loss. Then another ship dies and even if you were that ucky that your Home1 or just let's say Endurance got a turn it doesn't even matter if you place Valor because whenever your capitl ship is close to 100% a ship just dies.
I think no ship should have that effect on enemy's capital ship. Before you start strengten yourself talk I just beat it with using my Home1 with Plo but it doesn't matter. I actually tried not to kill enemy ships to let my Home1 to gain a turn. And it's a maxed 6* one with maxed AA (omega and gear both) so can't be faster.
Yes I know the other answer too, buy it. Yes I tried and yes of course I got Advanced which I already had at 7*... It is what it is. What is really matter this ship does remove 30-35% TM from enemy's capital ship every time a ship dies. It means 1-3 times per turn. It is not OK.
So basically Reaper's unique des the enemy's capital ship to lose 30 (35% if maxed) TM.
It basically means if you have a reaper enemy's capital ship most likely won't get a single turn or maybe one if it's a Home1.
In turn 1 there is always a dead ship. It means your capital ship loses 30% TM. If it is Endurance it is for sure because en if you feed Endurance with TM from Plo most probably a ship dies on your or enemy side = 30% TM loss. Then another ship dies and even if you were that ucky that your Home1 or just let's say Endurance got a turn it doesn't even matter if you place Valor because whenever your capitl ship is close to 100% a ship just dies.
I think no ship should have that effect on enemy's capital ship. Before you start strengten yourself talk I just beat it with using my Home1 with Plo but it doesn't matter. I actually tried not to kill enemy ships to let my Home1 to gain a turn. And it's a maxed 6* one with maxed AA (omega and gear both) so can't be faster.
Yes I know the other answer too, buy it. Yes I tried and yes of course I got Advanced which I already had at 7*... It is what it is. What is really matter this ship does remove 30-35% TM from enemy's capital ship every time a ship dies. It means 1-3 times per turn. It is not OK.