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DaPowerfulJedi's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Tusken Rework Ideas and Kit Ideas

Tusken Raider Rework Idea

Tusken Raider
Dark Side, Attacker, Tusken

Rifle Shot Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy with an 80% chance to remove 50% turn meter and inflict a damage over time effect for 2 turns. If this attack is evaded or resisted, grant all Tusken allies 10% turn meter.

Tusken Ambush Special: Deal physical damage to target enemy and call a random ally to assist. If the ally is a Tusken, call another ally to assist and all attacks deal 75% more damage. This attack can’t be evaded. (Cooldown 2)

Strength in Numbers Unique: Tusken Raider gains 20% potency, offense, and defense penetration for each active Tusken ally. At the start of each encounter and whenever a damage over time effect is inflicted on an enemy, Tusken Raider gains critical damage up for 2 turns.

A’Koba Rework Idea (prieviously known as URoRRuR’R’R

Dark Side, Support, Tusken

Gaffi Stick Slam Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 75% chance to inflict stun for 1 turn. If A’Koba has a buff, he gains 40% turn meter and inflicts offense down on a random enemy for 2 turns.

Single File to Hide Their Numbers Special: Deal physical damage to target enemy and call all Tusken allies to assist, dealing 35% less damage. Then, all Tusken allies gain 100% turn meter and speed up for 3 turns. (Cooldown 4)

Tusken Chief Leader: Whenever a Tusken ally scores a critical hit, they remove 5% turn meter from all enemies, which can’t be resisted. All allies gain +25% defense and offense, doubled for Tuskens. ZETA: Tusken allies gain critical chance up for 2 turns whenever they inflict a debuff. While they are buffed, Tuskens have +30 speed and 30% critical damage.

Ambush Instincts Unique: A’Koba gains offense up for 4 turns and recovers 10% health and protection whenever an enemy is stunned. He has +20% critical damage.

Tusken Shaman Rework Idea

Tusken Shaman
Dark Side, Healer, Tusken

Desert Toxins Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict a damage over time effect for 2 turns. This attack inflicts an additional damage over time effect and grants Tusken allies 10% turn meter if the target was debuffed.

Rite of Savagery Special: Dispel all debuffs from Tusken allies. All allies gain offense up for 2 turns and recover 30% of their max health, plus an additional 8% for each debuffed unit. (Cooldown 3)

Master Storyteller Unique 1: Whenever a unit is defeated, all Tusken allies gain 30% turn meter and recover 10% of their max health. ZETA: Also recover 10% of their max protection and gain protection up (30%) for 3 turns.

Memorization Unique 2: Tusken Shaman has +20% max health for each damage over time effect on enemies. At the start of each of his turns, he removes 5% turn meter from enemies for each damage over time effect on them, then all Tusken allies gain half the total amount of turn meter removed.

Tusken Elder Kit Idea

Tusken Elder
Dark Side, Support, Tusken

Ancient Strike Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict daze for 2 turns. Tusken Elder gains 30% potency (stacking) for the rest of the battle.

Survival Special 1: Grant all allies advantage, foresight, health up (30%), health steal up, critical chance up, and critical damage up for 3 turns. Tusken allies recover 30% health. This ability starts on cooldown. (Cooldown 4)

Elderly Wisdom Special 2: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict stun and a damage over time effect for 2 turns. Then remove 20% turn meter for each debuff the target is suffering. This attack can’t be evaded or resisted. (Cooldown 3)

Tusken Champion Kit Idea

Tusken Champion
Dark Side, Attacker, Tusken

Hostile Strike Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. If this attack scores a critical hit, inflict ability block for 1 turn.

Tusken Ritual Special 1: Gain frenzy and advantage for 2 turns. Grant all allies 10% turn meter, doubled for Tuskens. (Cooldown 3)

Savagery Special 2: Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict defense down for 2 turns. If this attack scores at least 2 critical hits reset the cooldown of this ability, and gain 30% turn meter. ZETA: Tusken Champion gains health steal up for 1 turn. The next time this ability is used, it deals 50% more damage. (Cooldown 3)

Tusken Warrior Unique: Whenever Tusken Champion scores a critical hit, he inflicts daze and stagger on the target enemy for 2 turns. While Tusken Champion is active, all Tusken allies gain 30% offense and potency.

Tusken Brute Kit Idea

Tusken Brute
Dark Side, Tank, Tusken

Gaderffii Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict a damage over time effect for 2 turns. This attack has a 50% chance to call a random Tusken ally to assist.

Assail Special 1: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict healing immunity and buff immunity for 3 turns. In addition, remove 100% turn meter and gain critical hit immunity for 2 turns if the target was above 50% turn meter. (Cooldown 4)

Combatant Unique 1: Tusken Brute has +40% defense for each active Tusken ally, and bonus offense equal to half his defense. Whenever an enemy heals, Tusken Brute gains taunt and defense up for 1 turn. Tusken Brute gains 30% bonus protection whenever another Tusken ally scores a critical hit.

Hardiness Unique 2: For each damage over time effect on enemies, Tusken Brute gains 5% critical avoidance and tenacity. While above full health, he has 50% counter chance.

A’Yark Kit Idea

Dark Side, Tank, Tusken

Belligerent Blow Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict a damage over time effect for 2 turns, with a 75% chance to attack a second time dealing 50% more damage.

Sand People Special 1: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict ability block for 1 turn. Grant target ally 50% turn meter, foresight, and offense up for 3 turns. (Cooldown 3)

Encouragement Special 2: Gain taunt for 3 turns, remove 100% turn meter from target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. (Cooldown 4)

War Leader Leader: All allies gain 30% health steal. Tusken allies gain retribution for 4 turns at the start of each encounter. After this retribution expires, Tusken allies take a bonus turn and gain 100% offense for the rest of the battle.

One-Eyed Tusken Unique: Whenever a damage over time effect is inflicted on an enemy, A’Yark gains defense and tenacity up for 1 turn. A’Yark gains 40% turn meter whenever an enemy resists a debuff.

Orr’UrRuuR’R Kit Idea

Dark Side, Support, Tusken

Cycler Rifle Basic: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict tenacity down for 2 turns. If the target was suffering a debuff, this attack deals double damage.

Tusken Barbarity Special 1: Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict stun for 1 turn. For each debuffed enemy, grant all allies 15% turn meter which can’t be prevented. In addition, inflict critical chance down for 3 turns on debuffed enemies, which can’t be resisted. (Cooldown 4)

Pot Shot Special 2: Deal physical damage to target enemy. If the target is below 100% health, this attack is guaranteed to score a critical hit and the cooldown of this ability is reset. (Cooldown 4)

Vicious, Mindless Monsters Leader: All Tusken allies gain 60% counter chance and 30% critical chance. Whenever a unit is defeated, Tusken allies gain foresight for 2 turns and recover 10% health.
  • I like this rework/kit ideas. It's got some nice solid ideas behind it and thinks outside the box a little (Tusken Elder's Survival for example).

    URoRRuR'R'R/A'koba feedback
    Personally, I would have given A'koba's Single File to Hide Numbers a 35% damage decrease for all allies, but not have A'koba to attack - he gains an additional turn after this.
    I would also have moved Tusken Raider's 80% DoT chance onto on A'koba's basic, as since Tusken Raider is only going to be using his basic half the time, with an 80% chance to inflict a single DoT, he's only going to get a 40% chance at inflicting a DoT. Putting it on A'koba allows Tusken Raider to have more chances to gain that extra damage by calling in either Shaman, A'koba, Brute or A'yark who all have a greater chance to give a DoT.

    Tusken Shaman feedback
    Tusken Shaman dispelling all debuffs is very useful, but I'd be wary to use it.
    For example, if I dispelled while my team had full health, and then a big attack lowered the team's health below half, I would have to wait 3 turns to heal up my team - 3 turns in which I could lose.
    Perhaps if Shaman gained 2% tenacity for each DoT, and tie the heal to the debuffs dispelled as well as the debuffs on allies, it could be better solidified.

    Tusken Champion feedback
    Tusken Champion is an interesting idea, and opens up some doors for this Tusken rework, but he seems to be a bit of a throwaway. What he gives is nice and can help out the other Tuskens, and he certainly could be useful under an A'yark lead. But it doesn't seem to fit perfectly, and some of the stuff he does other Tuskens do better. As such I feel wouldn't be used very often. He'd have to pack a serious punch - not Wampa, but close.

    Tusken Brute feedback
    Again there's something missing - although what's missing would probably solve itself were he to be actually be seen in-game. He's a nice, unique tank.

    A'yark feedback
    I think some clarity on her leadership would make the ability easier to understand: After the retribution has expired, Tusken allies take an extra turn and gain 100% offense for the rest of the battle.

    Orr'UrRuuR'R feedback
    I'd make Tusken Brutality deal damage to the enemy. That's it. He's good otherwise

    For team ideas, I think A'koba(L), Tusken Raider, Orr'UrRuuR'R, A'Yark and Tusken Brute would be a fun composition for turn meter manipulation and annoyance.
    A'Yark, Tusken Champion, Tusken Shaman, Tusken Brute and Tusken Raider would be a powerful force to be reckoned with, and a very sustainable offensive team.
    Orr'UrRuuR'R(L), A'koba, Tusken Brute, Tusken Raider and A'yark/Tusken Champion could be another interesting choice for large assists and counters, with the foresight coming in handy, but could be let down by the percentage counter chance.

    Otherwise, I really do like the stuff that has gone into this rework/kit ideas. They all synergise well together and have a very strong force behind them. I couldn't have done it better myself.
  • I think the best Tusken team you could make with these characters would be A’Koba lead, Tusken Shaman, Tusken Brute, Tusken Elder, and A’Yark. Tusken Champion might be able to replace someone like Elder if the team needs more damage or an AoE attack.
  • @Alijar1 Thanks for your feedback! One thing I want to say is that I think the Champion could be a pretty big threat. With frenzy in addition to all the turn meter gains this team already has, he’ll be able to use his Savagery special quite often, and every time he’s using it the damage gets higher. I could see that AoE quickly tearing apart a lot of teams.
  • Oh, it's stacking damage? That should have been stated then.
    But wow, 50% stacking on an AoE. That's... Pretty brutal, even for a Zeta. Maybe 45% then? 40%? Maybe even 35%?
    Because that'd be a lot of damage over a quick period of time. Even if he was slow, with the turn meter manipulation of these Tuskens, his Frenzy, and the cooldown reset it might get a little out of hand.
  • "Alijar1;c-1735181" wrote:
    Oh, it's stacking damage? That should have been stated then.
    But wow, 50% stacking on an AoE. That's... Pretty brutal, even for a Zeta. Maybe 45% then? 40%? Maybe even 35%?
    Because that'd be a lot of damage over a quick period of time. Even if he was slow, with the turn meter manipulation of these Tuskens, his Frenzy, and the cooldown reset it might get a little out of hand.

    Lando’s AoE deals 100% more damage on its next use so I don’t feel that 50% more damage is too much.
  • HKFactory's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Quick question in regards to Orr’s first special ability, it says that the attack inflicts “critical down” for 3 turns on debuffed enemies. Did you mean critical chance, critical damage, or both?
  • "Krayden_Phogg;c-2067165" wrote:
    Dope kits even if they are old.

    Thanks :)

    "HKFactory;c-2067206" wrote:
    Quick question in regards to Orr’s first special ability, it says that the attack inflicts “critical down” for 3 turns on debuffed enemies. Did you mean critical chance, critical damage, or both?

    Critical chance down