So... Instead of a TW "Bonus"... you nerfed the hell out of 4 droids, BB8, R2, IPD and L337. You have to be kidding right?? In what way, shape or form is this a buff??? You indirectly nerfed the JTR team, the cls team, the scoundrel team and the EP IPD team, and for what? A mediocre team where b1 is slightly annoying. This is almost undoubtedly a nerf, and the text that we got VERY clearly does not show the interaction that is happening. I don't understand how you think that we could have just "assumed" that that is how the droids are supposed to work. So many guilds left all droids on offense because it was a fun and quirky rework that seemed like it could be very useful on offense - instead what we have are unbeatable teams on defense and horrid teams on offense...?