Forum Discussion

engraham's avatar
6 years ago

TW Fleet GP inaccurate!

Check your own fleets, you see.

My posted Negotiator fleet shows 440k fleet.
My current Negotiator fleet is only 387k.

Are we SURE this is just "visual"???

9 Replies

  • And also, it may be visual.. but I don't want to attack a 500k+ Negotiator fleet and not many others will either.
  • I understand that, but people usually use their eyes to look at what battles to choose.

    If its showing 50k+ (false) GP, they aren't going to attack it as they normally would.
  • "StoemKnight;d-220791" wrote:

    Are we SURE this is just "visual"???

    Yes, GP is visual. Abilities and gear dictate the unit's stats and performance....the GP itself doesn't change how the unit plays.
  • MOST people aren't checking every stat, speed and piece of gear all the time. Not in fleet comps they fight regularly.

    I do, but most people judge solely by looking at their GP as an indication to attack.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-2028591" wrote:
    "StoemKnight;c-2028578" wrote:
    MOST people aren't checking every stat, speed and piece of gear all the time. Not in fleet comps they fight regularly.

    I do, but most people judge solely by looking at their GP as an indication to attack.

    How on earth could you possibly know what most people do?

    How on Earth can you know they don't?

    I stay around, at, or under rank 10 in Fleet Arena for around a year now. Even #1 for a long while.

    It is a big deal.
  • "Vos_Landeck;c-2028575" wrote:
    "StoemKnight;d-220791" wrote:

    Are we SURE this is just "visual"???

    Yes, GP is visual. Abilities and gear dictate the unit's stats and performance....the GP itself doesn't change how the unit plays.

    Does leveling abilities and gear increase gp?

    Does leveling abilities and gear increase ship performance?

    Does more gp mean better performing ships?

    The answers are yes, yes, and yes (although indirectly)

    To state gp doesn't effect ships is misleading because you cant level abilities and gear without increasing your gp so higher gp DOES mean better ships.

    It's reasonable to conclude that the extra gp comes from gear and abilities and mods (dont forget them) being counted more than once which would impact ships performance.
  • Fleet arena GP is bugged too must be all ships, i hit refresh and it changes everyones GP to something different everytime.. Earlier it was saying they had 600k gp fleet arena and i was like there goes my rank.. Only to find out its bugged and lost a good ranking today