Forum Discussion

Brauug's avatar
9 years ago

Underpowered Jedi

There are many good Jedi. There are many disappointing ones as well. I think the issue boils down to a couple things. I wish developers would work on fixing them. Here are my ideas.

Lack of focused play style synergy. Droids and rebels focus on criticals. Ewoks are themed around turn meter. Clones synergize around lots of assists.

Jedi working together don't have a core theme. Fixing bad Jedi to work on a coherent team play style theme would be great fix. They seem to be jack of all trades group which is a terrible design in any game. Focused design on specific roles either damage, heal, tank, debuffs, anti- certain factions would help. For example, there are several healing Jedi. Maybe they become a play style based on constant heals in some type of defensive play style theme versus most reworks boosting damage. There counter being the heal immunity debuffs, stuns, etc. IDK all the balance issues, but a defensive focused them would be good addition to all the offensive reworks lately.

Second, there are too many anti-Jedi toons with jedi not being the rock to other scissors. Outside of a few Jedi with anti-droid stuff. They have no real enemies, focus. Love to see Republic Jedi from clone wars, prequel movies to have synergy against the new Seperatist tags. This would be great additions as additional bonus to some Jedi's uniques and/or leader ability.

Now for the droid specific ones, they just need to be better, and they could be synergized to work together as a anti-droid theme. Koth is a good example. Why not make his debuffs against droids unresistable and maybe add chance to assist another Jedi who attacks a droid in addition to his dmg unique buff? That way it would improve usage of that anti-droid unique.

Also, more Jedi could get the JKA tweaks to work well with clones. Some of it could be simple by adding clones to their leader abilities. Some of it could be tweaks to their uniques.

Maybe an critical avoidance defensive theme? Ahoska seems primed for that one.

I'd also push for simple changes. Many of the Jedi kits are fine individually. They don't need full reworks. More Mace and Kitt changes like in last patch.

Continue to push small numerical tweaks to characters and/or small tweaks like adding clones to a leader skill for a Clones Wars Jedi so it is not only Jedi. Many of your characters are designed fine. They just need small tweaks to base numbers. Jedi are an example of this.

There is no excuse in today's age of big data that you can't see usage numbers to make small tweaks to guys (both nerfs, buffs) every month.

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