"Puetypoo_1;c-1922471" wrote:
Well I consistently go against 7* G12 with zeta teams with power levels sitting anywhere between 420k-470k. I do struggle with Bistan uwing in the starting lineup, but it’s not impossible. The current meta top power is about 498-500k so 30k power isn’t going to make that much of a difference in terms of “scale” and I stopped commenting because I’ve come to realize that no one is even going to try the different strategy, because “I’m not worthy of the meta conversation.” So really no one here is even worth arguing with.
Nothing is truly "impossible" because HMF team heavily relied on random assists. If they are unlucky you can beat them, if you are unlucky your fleet will be blown up right from the start. And total fleet power is completely irrelevant when you speak about HMF setups, 250K fleet can be consistently better than 450K one. It sometimes even worthy not to put full reinforcements so AI couldn't call wrong ships.
Also there is another huge factor - shard activity. On shard with low competition and more or less even payout time distribution you may be able to crawl to 1st place without HMF just because almost no one will attack you. On highly active shard anything but top-end HMF may be thrown out of top 200 every day. Your personal experience can't be extrapolated really.