"Kyno;c-1914704" wrote:
But reviewing at any level, means the dev team is telling us what is useful or valuable. Any system should not be based on any "one persons" thoughts on it.
I dont think each element of the game could be examined and weighted in this way, it's an endless debate at most levels and is way too much "work" to expect that level of examination on every toon and team.
I'm not sure it would be all that difficult to do fairly. For example, you could do something based on the current PVP Meta for "All Characters" as captured at the moment of Player Lock and just add a small "equalizer" quantity of GP such as:
Top 1-5 Meta toons = +20% GP for each of those toons you have unlocked
Top 6-10 Meta toons = +10% GP for each of those toons you have unlocked
Top 11-20 Meta toons = +5% GP for each of those toons you have unlocked
I don't know what the best actual percentages would be but, whatever those numbers are, it shouldn't eliminate the advantage of getting the new metas first but it should equalize things enough that you have to use a least a tiny bit of strategy to win even if you have a G13 Malak and your opponent hasn't unlocked him yet. It would lead to some interesting GAC strategy by giving savvy players at least a shot at winning even if they don't have the current meta yet.
It's not a perfect system but it's any easy one, it accurately represents the current strongest PVP toons, it's objective instead of subjective, and it automatically shifts as new metas emerge.