"Mullato;947063" wrote:
That's the reason Disney whiped legends from canon. So they could continue story-lines without having to weave in and out of legends. Now they get to re-build the canon material without anything contradicting it.
uh, they don't have to weave in and out of ANYTHING. what kind of logic is that? KOTOR happened 3000 something years ago! and is highly based during an era when there is many sith and many Jedi, all of whom are dead now, except for the 3 other Jedi floating around in Rebels somehow. when all the Rebels were order sixty six'd that WAS the wipe or sure looked like a wipe and had the smell and feel of a wipe.
and if they wanted to wipe it then why not just MAKE A NEW PLANET with it's OWN UNIQUE name? it's can't be that difficult. that's called doing it themselves on purpose and suggests they aren't trying to avoid anything.
as for the paying to do what they want, of course they can. and of course they can alienate their fan base and drop STAR WARS in the dumps and get a reputation for going downhill and the company that ruined a cult franchise
they sure did a wonderful job with Edgar Rice Burroughs story, a terrific story from the early 1900's. personally I think they just marketed it wrong and chose the wrong title. *smh* maybe they learned they can't be creative with original stories. one can only hope.