Forum Discussion

winterfox53's avatar
7 years ago

Where is Padme Amidala?

Why isn't Padme in Galaxy of Heroes? She is one of the most important characters in the entire saga. She was awesome in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and is pivotal to the actions that set up the Original Trilogy. They have added minor characters (like Nute Gunray and Zam Wesell), variations of characters (like snow/magma/shore troopers) and have even added in variations of the same character (like Stormtrooper, Veteran, Captain, and regular Han Solo) yet have left out one of the main members of the Prequel trio. Do you think she should be included or should they spend their time working elsewhere?

4 Replies

  • Supposedly, there's legacy code in the game for a Padme model, so at some point, they were working on her.

    Given she was the main character of one of the eight core movies, her absence is... problematic.
  • Fix the already broken characters first before releasing more characters that will have something wrong with them too
  • I was gonna lol at op but then remembered rose tico and holdo, not to mention all the other nonsense characters. but to reply, we don't need any more weak chars
  • I agree. Grevious needs a serious over hall. I'd like to see Bail Organa and Jango Fett. The game is very much lacking in prequels content. There aren't many Seperatists, although I do think we're fine on Jedi (although, I would like to see more Anakin and Obi-Wan)