The Dark Side ships don't have to be Empire. They can be any Dark Side ship. If you want to run Tarkin Lead (like myself #1 every day at payout), a solid team is Tarkin(L), Boba, TFP, FOTP, Vader, Biggs, Maul, and any other three. My team demolishes most from the starting 5. They hit hard and dodge a lot. Vader is there to TL everyone. Biggs tanks all the DPS. TFP, FOTP and Boba are strictly DPS. Once you TL all 5, Boba kills everything with his AOEs.
First failsafe is Maul. He will come in and retribution one of your DPS toons for an easy comeback. If that fails, Tarkin special should be up. It got fixed and one hit kills the whole enemy team pretty much. Hope that helps.