Forum Discussion

kevmani's avatar
9 years ago

Why are secondary stats more important than primaries, set bonuses?

This isn't one of those nerf everything threads, I'm just asking a question.

My point is that secondary stats are the most important part of mods in general, with some exceptions. For example, would you rather have a health mod with protection primary, and bad secondaries, or a +25 speed secondary with anything else for STHan?
Most people would probably take the second because speed is the best. I do not understand however why the secondaries were made to be so important. Logically thinking, like when we were first introduced to mods, it seemed like sets were the most important, then primary stats, and finally secondaries, which seem very random. Besides things like potency, and critical chance and damage, most of the set bonuses are rather useless.
I'm fine with the way mods are now, and it probably is too late to change anything, but who else thinks that the sets and primaries should be more important than the secondaries?
  • "Bobdog87;677173" wrote:
    Primary stats and set bonuses are fixed while secondary stats are random. Secondary stats are good so that there is a thrill when you got a mod with + high speed and that will entice people to refresh and spend.

    I understand that, but if you are doing the challenges, the only thing you decide is the type, not shape or primary. Isn't it a good feeling getting a speed arrow instead of critical avoidance?
  • Well, not all secondary stats are created equal... Who cares about a (rather high-end) health +5% or tenacity +5% ?

    It's more like the scale of the bonuses (and their nature) varies widely: health, defense, tenacity bonuses are way too low to matter anyhow in a battle, whereas potency, protection and crit damage are pretty decent.

    Speed is a bit of a special case, as mostly what people want is not "more speed", but "go first". If those 2 things were 2 distinct attributes (say there's a mod that adds +%TM at the start of a battle, and only then), which one do you think people would rush to?
  • I think +16 speed secundary is max. But you are right, the most important attribute for arena is speed. Mods made toons hit way harder, deciding the match in the first 5 seconds and ending it in 60 seconds. Another downside is that you can't easily switch toons between arena matches (because you have to switch mods as well).
    For Raids it's more widespread, you want potency mods for TM reduction for example.
  • "Nightlores;677563" wrote:
    I think +16 speed secundary is max. But you are right, the most important attribute for arena is speed. Mods made toons hit way harder, deciding the match in the first 5 seconds and ending it in 60 seconds. Another downside is that you can't easily switch toons between arena matches (because you have to switch mods as well).
    For Raids it's more widespread, you want potency mods for TM reduction for example.

    Why would you change mods between arena battles?