Forum Discussion

Ikky2win's avatar
7 years ago

Why isn’t Visas a Jedi?

I feel like this may have been answered somewhere else but can’t find it. Why doesn’t Visas have the Jedi tag? She would be so much more useful with it. She is wielding a lightsaber after all.
  • "Riffinator;c-1600235" wrote:
    She has a Red lightsaber so she is a Sith

    Uh... no. That's not how that works.

    In old canon, the saber colors were just colors. Chemistry and optics made different colors. Jedi had a loose job-based color code, but the colors did not mean much on their own. The Sith's main source of crystals happened to be making them artificially through a process that happened to produce red crystals.

    In new canon, kyber crystals are inherently light-aligned, with a meaningless non-red color. For a dark side user to align with the kyber, they have to dominate and corrupt the crystal, turning it red. A process called bleeding the saber. This is for dark side users in general, not just Sith.
  • Probably because she's ambiguous enough that the devs decided they could get away with denying her any faction synergies. She was Darth Nihilus' apprentice originally, so she started as a Sith, but she betrays him to join the Jedi Exile practically as soon as she's introduced in KotOR2. And since the Jedi Exile is, well, an exile, you could well argue that joining her does not make the no-longer-Sith Visas a Jedi, since she isn't technically affiliated with the Jedi Order. (Sort of like Ahsoka, except that in Ahsoka's case it was voluntary.)
  • The argument like weilding a lightsaber can’t work : assaj and greivous are no siths, asohka is no jedi, etc...
    And like OP said, her story doesn’t mention her as a part of the Jedi order. Yes, she turned back to the light side but that’s not enough in that case
  • As far as we know from kotor, visas was a force wielding being but never a jedi. She didn't do jedi training or anything similar