2 years ago
Will my Jabba Issue be fixed / Compensated?
So I'm pretty frustrated with this game at the moment. I have been playing since day one and I try to take most of this in stride because at the end of the day, it's just a game. There are so many more important issues than this.. But this Jabba ultimate token issue is really getting under my skin.
It's been a week since I completed the last battle to get the 12th token. I never got the token. There was a bug preventing me from getting it. I spent my purple crystals to get that last bit of DS currency to play that battle. But no token.
Now, the bug has been deemed "fixed" by CG. My DS currency was reset. No compensation has come. No token in my inbox. Just a message stating I can go ahead and use my hard earned currency to try to get that 12th token again.
I messaged them in the QA bug report and all I get is them telling me I have a "mismatch in my data" and I need to "wait".
Wait for what?
I'm trying to move on to SLKR now but I don't know if I should just chalk it up to a loss and spend my DS currency on Jabba again. I mean I don't even know if it will work anyway. Then I will be out ANOTHER 70 DS currency.
Meanwhile I see that some with the same issue are receiving a message to check their in-game inbox.
Why can't my issue be addressed?
I'm a paying customer who is pretty much putting my game on hold because of some unknown reason. I just want that one token that I have already earned and if that's not possible, just 70 DS currency. I will gladly do the battle again.
At the very least, some kind of response giving me an idea of what to expect. Is this an unreasonable request?
Can anyone help me?
It's been a week since I completed the last battle to get the 12th token. I never got the token. There was a bug preventing me from getting it. I spent my purple crystals to get that last bit of DS currency to play that battle. But no token.
Now, the bug has been deemed "fixed" by CG. My DS currency was reset. No compensation has come. No token in my inbox. Just a message stating I can go ahead and use my hard earned currency to try to get that 12th token again.
I messaged them in the QA bug report and all I get is them telling me I have a "mismatch in my data" and I need to "wait".
Wait for what?
I'm trying to move on to SLKR now but I don't know if I should just chalk it up to a loss and spend my DS currency on Jabba again. I mean I don't even know if it will work anyway. Then I will be out ANOTHER 70 DS currency.
Meanwhile I see that some with the same issue are receiving a message to check their in-game inbox.
Why can't my issue be addressed?
I'm a paying customer who is pretty much putting my game on hold because of some unknown reason. I just want that one token that I have already earned and if that's not possible, just 70 DS currency. I will gladly do the battle again.
At the very least, some kind of response giving me an idea of what to expect. Is this an unreasonable request?
Can anyone help me?