Forum Discussion

Gold53's avatar
9 years ago

Would you prefer Canon realistic power levels?

Would you prefer the most powerul characters in the game be the most powerful characters from official canon (movies, tv shows, etc.) instead of random background charcters like Genosian Soldier, First Order Tie Pilot, etc.?
  • "Greg1920;198783" wrote:
    "BentWookie;198735" wrote:
    You never know who might become "iconic"...

    I want storm trooper steve

    Nah, he's just a poor mans Ensign Ricky.
  • Just want the game to be fun, though they should make sure that all the 'named characters' are useable. Wouldn't want my favorite character to be unusable. Luckily my favorite character was that one genosian soldier that Anakin killed in AotC, so I'm good. No not that one, the other one, the one with the gun, that did that thing, you remember :wink:
  • "Naugrin;198916" wrote:
    You have to upload the pic to a host sight ( photobucket, tinypic, imgur, etc.) and then use a link to that with img tags. I use photobucket. Most of these sites have a streamlined process to embed a pic.

    Okay thanks.
    And for going off topic @Robbathehutt
  • I think the game needs more bonus synergies. Nightsisters would become more viable for example, if nightsister acolyte was getting +crit or +damage for each nightsister in team. GS damage would be ok if he was doing that only if he was paired with Poggle. But if you throw him in any team, even without synergy, he instantly makes that team better, which doesn't leave many options for other heroes in game.
  • "CPMP;199011" wrote:
    I think the game needs more bonus synergies. Nightsisters would become more viable for example, if nightsister acolyte was getting +crit or +damage for each nightsister in team. GS damage would be ok if he was doing that only if he was paired with Poggle. But if you throw him in any team, even without synergy, he instantly makes that team better, which doesn't leave many options for other heroes in game.

    Faction bonuses would be a nice touch.
  • No. Really no.

    All that's going to do is make the whale vs F2P thing even worse.

    Allowing this kind of thing to take place would deatroy any type of variety or balance to the game. Everyone - who could afford it - would have a team of Luke, Yoda, Vader, Obi-Wan and Sidious. It would be boring as hell.

    Once they release Palapatine, it'll be a whale spending frenzy for the character with the ability that Force Lightning stuns the whole enemy team.

    They need marquee characters to have FLAVOUR that matches their movie characters. Currently they're doing an okay job of that.
  • If the most powerful characters from movies were also the best everyone would have the same team - luke, yoda, vader, Sid etc. There would be no variety in the game and no way to encompass 75 characters. We'd only need about 15 and have a very dry game.