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Nerfdruids's avatar
6 years ago

Early Fleet struggles. Who starts first?

hey guys having some issues early on in fleet, got myself up in the top 20 but seem to lose to some lower gp teams. I am not sure how to "order" my current fleet
I have phantom and ghost. I have Tie silence, Slave 1, Biggs and imp tie.
Biggs is still pretty weak though.
Main idea is having biggs, Phantom and Ghost as the first 3, then Slave as first reinforcement and Imp tie as second?
If biggs were stronger it would be a lot easier as he dies quickly, otherwise not sure what to do.

Also any tips on the main ships to focus early would be good too.

9 Replies

  • Mods.
    As I understand it (I'm not very good on fleet combats myself), Mods are really really important to your ships' total power. That and gear levels. My Pahantom, Ghost, and Biggs are bottlenecked at level 9-10. Just below the threshold where they all get powerful, apparently.

    As far as Capital ships go, if you're going with lots of Rebels, then Ackbar. Someone described them once (citation needed) as -

    Tarkin: overwhelming firepower
    Windu: tanky wall
    Ackbar: patient and balanced

    They all have their niches, though the introduction of new Capital ships changes the calculations.

    Hope that helped.
  • What’s your pilot level/stars/mod stars and mod levels..

    Early game I’d go for tarkin Biggs/imp tie/silencer if your pilots are starred up..

    Or if you have a gg page link it and we’ll have a look for you. @Nerfdruids
  • Early game fleets are difficult as nothing is optimal and you'll be seeing a big variety of teams you are going against I'd guess. But out of the 6 ships you mentioned and assuming they were all equally developed the best line up in my opinion would be Biggs, Imp Tie, Silencer in the starting 3 with Phantom as first reinforcement and slave 1 or ghost brought in depending on how well biggs is surviving by that point.

    Reason being, silencer and tie are both very fast and have stun and target lock respectively which can get you some control and a bit of early high damage and start biggs taunting. Then you can reinforce with Phantom and immediately with a second ship to get the numerical advantage (see phantom's reinforcement ability). If biggs is dead or about to die reinforce with Slave 1 for another taunt. If Biggs is still holding on reinforce with ghost for some more target locks and the synergy with phantom.

    To run that way though you'll need to work on the gear on biggs especially (so his ship has more health/protection/defense) and KRU and Tie Pilot so their ships gain enough speed to go first.

    You'll want a strong Biggs anyway in the (distant?) future when you move on to using the Falcon. In the meantime also work on your bossk and his hounds tooth ship. Early fleet is a bit of a race for who can unlock that ship first and then after that, a race for who can unlock Han's Falcon.
  • when you max phantom's reinforcement you will want it as first reinforcement. It decrease the cooldown by one for capital ship, allowing you to call another reinforcement quicker.

    out of the ships you mentioned, I would have vader, imp tie and biggs first (level/gear biggs if he is too weak now). as mentioned mods make a big difference, but it is the level and color of the mods that matters iirc, not the individual stats/synergy (which will definitely matter in the non-ship areas tho), but I am far from a ship expert, that's just what I would do with what you posted
  • when you max phantom's reinforcement you will want it as first reinforcement. It decrease the cooldown by one for capital ship, allowing you to call another reinforcement quicker.

    out of the ships you mentioned, I would have vader, imp tie and biggs first (level/gear biggs if he is too weak now). as mentioned mods make a big difference, but it is the level and color of the mods that matters iirc, not the individual stats/synergy (which will definitely matter in the non-ship areas tho), but I am far from a ship expert, that's just what I would do with what you posted
  • Mods were mentioned, but let me add that you want to put 5 dot mods on all your pilots. Stats on pilots mods don't affect the ship, just make sure all your pilots have 5 dot mods, gold if you can.
  • Firstly: OP you need to add a link to your .gg profile then we all can SEE your stuff instead of randomly guessing.

    As for early farms I can suggest a few that will help no matter your inventory status.

    Tie silencer to 7* along with kru. They both farm on same node so this is the easiest max rarity pilot/ship combo in the game. Lead off with tie silencer for a good long time until you have developed more meta teams. Especially under ackbar lead. You can usually get off two stuns on enemy team during first round of attacks. Makes easy working if you can swing it which can happen as oft as maybe 40-50 % of battles.

    All the BH ships. This gets you under way for HMF which is a deadly deadly beast. But the BHs by themselves are effective as well. Some tactics for BH ships include-
    - xanadus maxed reinforce gives em all retaliation for two turns can be effective for just 'putting in work' type engagements. Use it under ackbar to give your boys some protection on each counter.
    - lead in with boba and bossk. Bossk is one of the gnarliest ship tanks in game. Use this opener with the previous xanadus tactic to make bossk counter/taunt/heal/prot regen. Pick them apart real nice like that.
    - slave 1 IS a vastly underrated reinforcement unit but until you have his reinforce maxed he's just gonna go down in flames. Too soft. The crit hit avoidance though makes him purely viable. Under ackbar again for protection regens upon counters again. This ackbar counter attack / assist protection up trick is extremely efficient with a variety of ship squad formations. Remember to be careful using boba as reinforce until his reinforce is maxed cannot stress this enough.

    ATano as a reinforcement will allow you to completely dispel not one but two enemy ships in one swing. Works great for slapping aside the shield vs teams which rely on Biggs or especially bossk taunts to hide behind. Bossk taunt attack has 3 turn cool down so if you dispel it right away it really shuts him down.

    Just for early game ships - I'd suggest you think along these lines. These tactics (counter attacking teams under ackbar for protection ups, BH swarm tactics, dispels dispels dispels...) Served me pretty well early on. Even now that I have HMF and am able to deploy more meta-ish fleets, this same stuff is only becoming more and more efficient the way I've built my inventory. Every player is different but this train of thinking will keep you relevant for the foreseeable future, guaranteed
  • Thanks for the help so far. Silly me I should have linked my toons
    @Damodamo @Kodiak_Skywalker

    This should be mine. My biggs is pretty weak atm.
    Getting Phoenix to 7 star for the events this month then will finish Silencer, then I assume imp tie.

    Then will do Biggs after Zeb etc
  • "Kodiak_Skywalker;c-2002572" wrote:
    slave 1 IS a vastly underrated reinforcement unit but until you have his reinforce maxed he's just gonna go down in flames. Too soft. The crit hit avoidance though makes him purely viable.

    There are reasons why he is avoided by many people.

    1. AI prioritizes him very high as reinforcement, and having him essentially prevents Phantom+1 tactics on defense.
    2. When called out in wrong time he is a nice food for feeding up Ashoka, with all juicy buffs.

    So while useful on offense he hinders defense.

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