Forum Discussion

Solarkid18's avatar
8 years ago

Emperor's Demise

When the emperor's demise event started, I literally just joined the game. And they are talking about maybe not bringing it back. The achievement is still in the achievements section for the event so I'm 60% positive they are bringing it back. I know it's an extremely rare event but could it be back before February?
  • "Sithlord19;78516" wrote:
    When the emperor's demise event started, I literally just joined the game. And they are talking about maybe not bringing it back. The achievement is still in the achievements section for the event so I'm 60% positive they are bringing it back. I know it's an extremely rare event but could it be back before February?

    Here's the deal

    The emperor is one of the best toons in the game. Which is why it said in organge words "Rare Event" under the name. It doesn't mean it won't ever return it just means it's not as casual as the grandmaster yoda event
  • "Mergh;773205" wrote:
    "Ultra;773191" wrote:
    "Mergh;773189" wrote:
    I hope they bring it back and remove the Rebel requirement... I only have a 6* Ackbar, 3* Leia, 4* Wedge, and 2* Biggs. Back when they throw the event, I only had Ackbar.
    Maybe Jedi could count too since EP is sith?

    You had plenty of time to farm those toons
    You still have time to farm them.

    EDIT: if they suddenly dropped the event tomorrow, you have only yourself to blame

    If they just dropped it tomorrow, they would have themselves to blame, as they said the event was rare, not a one time thing. But whatever, it's their choice.

    " plenty of time to farm"- despite the fact they only gave advanced notice about the event maybe a week before it started? I can't farm 4 characters, especially when it has to be a specific faction like Rebels, within a week.

    " have plenty of time to farm"- all I can say to that is... maybe? I don't really pay attention to a specific kind of group or faction and instead opt to just unlock and upgrade toons I like best.

    I certainly can understand the frustration that you cannot take part in an event (the recent yoda event was a no go for me). I don't think it is justified to request a complete dismantling of requirements.

    This is part of the game... new players have to skip many events with little choice of their own. I personally believe all events should have a Tier 1 without requirements (but with limited rewards), to at least allow people to enjoy the content. Yet this solution would not matter for your request/complaint.

    Yes a week notice was too short the first time, oh well it happens. Since there has been plenty of time to farm for the next event, as was probably their point.

    You admited that you didn't focus on the characters needed... so why should you be rewarded for working on OTHER characters which might allow YOU to do an event others that worked on rebels might not? Like Yoda?

    I applaud you for playing the game based on the characters you like, I just can't support the idea that the game has to cater to your specific way of playing the game. All games have meta's requirements and most efficient paths to progress it is a choice all players have to make. Do you want to "work" on the most efficient path of power to get to the "fun" endgame sooner or do you want to play how you like and get to the end game slower?
  • Event will likely return around Christmas (pseudo present from devolpers)
    They said that when they bring him back they'll give more of a notice than last time
    Most rebels are already good
    Most can be used somewhere else: tenacity mods, arena, GW, lando and hans are also scoundrels
  • "DieInFire;773228" wrote:

    Move your lazy body (***) and start farming rebels if you really want EP. EP is great and rebels are a pretty good faction of the game.

    What's next? You need a sim button too?

    Excellent ... BTW, I personnaly need a bit more time to level up Wedge and Han :smile:
  • "Mergh;773205" wrote:
    "Ultra;773191" wrote:
    "Mergh;773189" wrote:
    I hope they bring it back and remove the Rebel requirement... I only have a 6* Ackbar, 3* Leia, 4* Wedge, and 2* Biggs. Back when they throw the event, I only had Ackbar.
    Maybe Jedi could count too since EP is sith?

    You had plenty of time to farm those toons
    You still have time to farm them.

    EDIT: if they suddenly dropped the event tomorrow, you have only yourself to blame

    If they just dropped it tomorrow, they would have themselves to blame, as they said the event was rare, not a one time thing. But whatever, it's their choice.

    " plenty of time to farm"- despite the fact they only gave advanced notice about the event maybe a week before it started? I can't farm 4 characters, especially when it has to be a specific faction like Rebels, within a week.

    " have plenty of time to farm"- all I can say to that is... maybe? I don't really pay attention to a specific kind of group or faction and instead opt to just unlock and upgrade toons I like best.

    its been a lttle over 3 months so you would still have yourself to blame if you couldn't farm rebels in 3 months.

  • When last EP event ended I had five 4* rebels and i keept farming them and now they have been 7* in over 2 months....
    I even got both Leia and ST Han from 0* to 7* doing that time
    Begin to farm them like we do and don't complain if the event starts next week..
  • "TheKevinlyFather;773817" wrote:
    It actually said "extremely rare event" when it rolled out. I would assume that, at best, it will appear every 6 months. Though, if I had to guess, I would say once a year.

    Wasn't it like 3 months between the empire assault events? And those weren't listed as anything. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for EP to come back. Just get your rebels ready and wait :).

    I already have Akbar, stormtrooper Han, wedge and Leia at 6 * and Biggs and Lando at 7 *. Theyrr all gear lvl 8